Craft CSV files effortlessly. This package equips you with the tools to construct, adjust, and enhance CSV data in a way that suits your needs.
npm install csvcrafter
const Csv = require('csvcrafter');
const path = require('path');
const filePath = path.join(__dirname, 'addresses.csv');
const csvInstance = new Csv(filePath);
Import csv
available methods:
getHeader() -> returns header of the csv file
getData() -> returns data of the csv file
addData() -> appends data to the csv file & filter out duplicates
Note: all methods are async/await
async function displayCsv(){
const header = await csvInstance.getHeader();
// [ 'FirsName', 'LastName', 'Address', 'State', 'Country', 'Pincode' ]
const data = await csvInstance.getData();
FirsName: 'John',
LastName: 'Doe',
Address: '120 jefferson st.',
State: 'Riverside',
Country: ' NJ',
Pincode: ' 08075'
const exampleDataObj = {
FirsName: 'kevin',
LastName: 'tronte',
Address: 'will milles',
State: 'Riverside',
Country: 'Tennesse',
Pincode: '09023'
const exampleDataList = ['kevin','tronte','will milles','Riverside','Tennesse','09023'];
const exampleObj = await csvInstance.addData(exampleDataObj);
await csvInstance.addData(exampleDataList);