Example content for @kitconcept/volto-light-theme
This package contains a simple volto configuration.
Install kitconcept.voltolighttheme with pip
pip install kitconcept.voltolighttheme
Clone this repository
git clone git@github.com:kitconcept/kitconcept.voltolighttheme.git
Install Plone, its dependencies and this package:
cd kitconcept.voltolighttheme
make install
Start an instance on port 8080
make start
To create a site using the Plone UI, point your browser to http://localhost:8080
Or, create a site from the command line (first stop the instance):
make create-site
After editing the content on the running instance, point your browser to http://localhost:8080/Plone/@@dist_export_all, select this distribution and export everything.
After that, you will have the content available (in the plone.exportimport
format) at src/kitconcept/voltolighttheme/distributions/voltolighttheme/content
The project is licensed under GPLv2.