A collection of python mini or small-scale software development projects that involve creating simple applications, tools, or games using the Python programming language. These projects are typically designed to be completed in a short amount of time, and may serve as a practical and fun way for beginners (like myself) to learn Python programming concepts and syntax.
See DIRECTORY for better navigation project overview.
IMPORTANT - Some projects may require external packages or special API call instructions to be able to function properly. Click here to know more.
- Clone entire reporsitory.
git clone https://github.com/kitimi88/python-minis.git
- Setup virtual environment.
py -m venv .venv
- Activate virtual environment.
- Upgrade pip (Whenever necessary).
$ py -m pip install --upgrade pip
- Install required dependecies.
py -m pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
Pending contribution guide.