- We hooked the Rotate slider to the ears of the cat
- W dramatic light: yes
- You can set a new light position and increase the intensity.
- W adjustable LoD: yes
- You can change the detailness of the tails by changing the "Number of tail components"
- Or "Number of Triangle in ear"
- Or even changes the detailness of the torus by changing the model quality
- W your idea: yes
- You can change the dimension of the model
- So basically it is an extension of adjustable LoD
- B texture map: yes
- Only implemented for the cat body, but it is good enough
- B polygonal faces (triangles): yes
- Please refer to the ear at the creature (cat) head
- Again, you can control the number of triangles by dragging "Number of Triangle in ear"
- B animation: yes
- A swinging tail, it's cute, isn't it?
- Btw make sure set "Shows Inverse Kinematics Tail" to 0 to see our cute cute swinging tail
- B individual looking (not just red/green): yes
- You can drag "Individual Instances" to see more
- B frame all: yes
- You will have to uncheck the Frame All function if you would like to use zoom
- BW up vector: yes
- Hold the ALT key and use the right mouse to twist the camera
- 2B new primitives for each: yes
- We did torus, which is opengl red book implementation
- 2B L-system: yes
- A L System tree is attached as the second tail of the cat
- You can use "L System Depth" to control the tree size
- 2B mood cycling: yes
- "Mood Cycling" allows you to change the face of the cat
- Also, the tail swinging speed varies according to the mood of the cat
- The light colour varies according to mood too
- 4B metaballs: yes
- Set "Enable Organic Model" to 1 for enabling this feature
- It will alter the cat's head
- 8B goal-oriented motion: yes
- Set "Shows Inverse Kinematics Tail" to 1 for enabling this feature
- You can use Target X / Y / Z to control the position of the inverse kinematics tail
- We choose to create another tail instead of reusing the same tail cuz we are lazy
- 4B joint contraints: yes
- You can use "Angle Constraint for Inverse Kinematics" to control the angle contraints