Motivation: Where do humans look while navigating in a 3D maze environment ? Does foveating around the regions where humans look helps the reinforcement learning process in the context of continual learning ? We hypothesise that knowing where to look in a task aids continual learning across tasks
We introduce the Visually-Attentive UNREAL agent 2 by foveating around the salient regions in each image. This is done in the base process of online A3C , as shown in the pseudo code in Algorithm 1 of the paper.
Code accompanying paper "Attend Before you Act: Leveraging human visual attention for continual learning" - at Lifelong Learning: A Reinforcement Learning Approach Workshop @ ICML 2018
Learning with varying degrees of visual attention to navigate the 3D maze environment. Specific degrees of visual attention helps in learning better than baseline UNREAL agent. Here α = 0.69 speeds up the learning as compared to other settings for this instance of runs.
- TensorFlow
- DeepMind Lab
- numpy
- cv2
- pygame
- matplotlib
First, download and install DeepMind Lab
$ git clone
Then build it following the build instruction.
Clone this repo in lab directory.
$ cd lab
$ git clone
Add this bazel instruction at the end of lab/BUILD
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
Then run bazel command to run training.
bazel run //unreal:train --define headless=glx
--define headlesss=glx
uses GPU rendering and it requires display not to sleep. (We need to disable display sleep.)
If you have any trouble with GPU rendering, please use software rendering with --define headless=osmesa
To show result after training, run this command.
bazel run //unreal:display --define headless=glx