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Kleverchain SDK library

The SDK module provides a quick and easy way to make contract calls to the blockchain node api directly.

For a more detailed and organized documentation, please visit the official Kleverchain SDK Documentation website.


$ npm install @klever/sdk-node


$ yarn add @klever/sdk-node

Node.js must be above version 18.0.0

Basic usage

If you are using Node.js, before calling any methods, you should call utils.setProviders(providers) to set the network providers.

Common flow example:

import { Account, TransactionType } from "@klever/sdk-node";

const payload = {

const privateKey = "yourPrivateKey";

const account = new Account(privateKey);
await account.ready;

const unsignedTx = await account.buildTransaction([
    type: TransactionType.Transfer,

const signedTx = await account.signTransaction(unsignedTx);

const broadcastRes = await account.broadcastTransactions([signedTx]);


Quick send example:

import { Account, TransactionType } from "@klever/sdk-node";

const payload = {

const privateKey = "yourPrivateKey";

const account = new Account(privateKey);
await account.ready;

const broadcastRes = await account.quickSend([
    type: TransactionType.Transfer,
]); //the same as buildTransaction + signTransaction + broadcastTransactions


Changing Network

The default network is the Kleverchain Mainnet, but if you want to use the Kleverchain Testnet or a local version of the Kleverchain, you can change the kleverWeb provider object by setting it before calling the initialize function.

import { utils, IProvider } from "@klever/sdk-node";
  const provider: IProvider = {
    api: "",
    node: "",


Offline build/sign transactions:

import { Transaction, Contracts, TXContract_ContractType, utils } from "@klever/sdk-node";
  // text encoder UTF-8
  const enc = new TextEncoder();

  const privateKey = "001122..."; // sender`s private key 32 bytes hex format
  // decode addresses sender/receiver
  const senderDecoded = await utils.decodeAddress("klv1vq9f7xtazuk9y3n46ukthgf2l30ev2s0qxvs6dfp4f2e76sfu3xshpmjsr");
  const receiverDecoded = await utils.decodeAddress("klv1fpwjz234gy8aaae3gx0e8q9f52vymzzn3z5q0s5h60pvktzx0n0qwvtux5");
  const accountNonce = 100

  // create transfer contract
  const transfer = Contracts.TransferContract.fromPartial({
      ToAddress: receiverDecoded,
      AssetID: enc.encode("KLV"),
      Amount: 100 * 10 ** 6, // Must be in units (check asset precision) -> 100 KLV = 100 * 10^6

  // create base transaction
  const tx  = new Transaction({
      Sender: senderDecoded,
      Nonce: accountNonce,
      BandwidthFee: 1000000,
      KAppFee: 500000,
      Version: 1,
      ChainID: enc.encode("100420")

  // add contract to transaction
  tx.addContract(TXContract_ContractType.TransferContractType, transfer);

  // signature transaction
  await tx.sign(privateKey);

  console.log("Transaction Info", {
      "Wired Proto": tx.hex(),
      "To Broadcast Format": tx.toBroadcast(),
      "Json Format": tx.toJSON(),

  // decode TX will encode address in bech32 format and Uint8Array data into utf-8 string array

once transaction is signed, it can be broadcasted into network using node endpoint: http://localhost:8080/transcation/broadcast, or using await utils.broadcastTransactions([tx.toBroadcast()]).

Generating and importing accounts in Node.js

Using the SDK you can generate and import accounts using the following methods from the utils object:

  • generateKeyPair
  • getAddressFromPrivateKey

Generating a key pair:

import { utils } from '@klever/sdk-node';

  const { privateKey, address } = await utils.generateKeyPair();


Importing an account:

import { utils } from '@klever/sdk-node';
  const privateKey; // your private key
  const address = await utils.getAddressFromPrivateKey(privateKey);


Also, when you create an instance of an account with no private key, the SDK will generate a new key pair for you. Be sure to use the downloadAsPem account method to save the private key.


All available transactions:

  • Transfer
  • Freeze
  • Unfreeze
  • Delegate
  • Undelegate
  • Claim
  • Withdraw
  • CreateAsset
  • AssetTrigger
  • ConfigITO
  • CreateMarketplace
  • ConfigMarketplace
  • Sell
  • Buy
  • CancelMarketOrder
  • Proposal
  • Vote
  • CreateValidator
  • ConfigValidator
  • Unjail
  • SetAccountName
  • UpdateAccountPermission

Usage Inside a Context (Web App)

If you want a global instance of your account to use throughout your app, you can create a custom hook to help you with that. Using React as an example, you can create a MyCustomHook.tsx file and create your provider as follows:

import { useState, createContext, useContext } from "react";
import { Account, utils } from "@klever/sdk-node";

interface ISdkContext {
  isLoaded(): Promise<boolean>;
  getAccount(): Account | null;
  setAccount(account: Account): void;

const SdkContext = createContext({} as ISdkContext);

const SdkProvider: React.FC = ({ children }) => {
  const [acc, setAcc] = useState<Account | null>(null);

  const values: ISdkContext = {
    isLoaded: () => utils.isKleverWebLoaded(),
    getAccount: () => acc,
    setAccount: (account) => setAcc(account),
  return <SdkContext.Provider value={values}>{children}</SdkContext.Provider>;

const useSdk = () => useContext(SdkContext);

export { SdkContext, SdkProvider, useSdk };

And wrap your entire App.tsx in it:

import { SdkProvider } from './MyCustomHook';

      <App /> // or <Router /> or <Component />

With that, you can use it on any child component you want, without the need to instantiate an account every time:

import { useSdk } from './MyCustomHook';
const sdk = useSdk();
const account = sdk.getAccount();
await account.buildTransaction([
        type: TransactionType.Transfer,

The same pattern of global provider can be achieved in any framework you want, not only React.