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an express starter project with component based grouping.

Goals :

Creating a scalable architecture that can be translated into micro-services easily ( with the help of component-generator runnable script )

Components vs Services

Services are ideal for highly resilient systems whereby parts of your infrastructure can crash but the rest keeps going gracefully.

Components are designed to fit together to deliver functionality. This doesn't mean that they aren't reusable as a component can be an API that gets used in a wide range of systems and applications.

Services and components aren't mutually exclusive architectures as a service can be made from components. Components may also call services.

Independent business logic

Business logic inside components should not depends on external libraries. Any external dependencies should be wrapped / implemented in libraries folder. Components should access files from libraries and should not access any node_modules dependencies directly, without valid reasons / exceptions. We don't want to end up with problems from abandoned external libraries.

some suggestions & rules :

  • Controller should be a pure javascript class / functions without direct node_modules dependencies ( with some exceptions e.g. lodash | other node_modules dependencies should be wrapped and placed inside libraries )
  • Model & Repository files will be tightly coupled with ORM / DB library used
  • Route files will be tightly coupled with Express / Backend Framework
  • Validator files might be coupled with external validator libraries
  • Communication between components should use events / message queues / wrapped in a bridge files inside libraries

Style Guide & Code Formatting

For code formatting, we use standard - Read more here Please run standard --fix before committing. Or use IDE plugin to auto format on save ( npm run dev or yarn dev automatically run standard --fix - make sure you have standard installed as global module )

Folder/Architecture Descriptions

  • app/config : containing configuration files to run your app. Including but not limited to : database configuration, server configuration, provider used
  • app/providers : containing specific module configuration that your backend framework will use (in this case, ExpressJS). Please note that you need to update app/config/service-provider.js after adding file inside this folder.
  • app/*.js : manager for configurations and server files.
  • components : the most important part. it contains several layer for you to create your API
    • Model : represented by module-name.js - feel free to add more model if necessary
    • Repository : represented by module-name-repository.js - it contains data processing functions for your model & database
    • Controller : represented by module-name-controller.js - it contains business logic for your components / application
    • Event : represented by module-name-event.js - it contains a repeatable job / event based action for your application. We're using agendajs for this repository.
    • Transformer : represented by module-name-transformer.js - it transform data from API and making sure the schema is always valid & consistent
    • Validator : represented by module-name-validator.js - it validates requests & responses and making sure all data input & output will conform to client's requirement
    • Router : represented by module-name-api.js - it contains your route list and logics.
  • libraries : containing module configuration that your components will use ( e.g for communicating with each other )
  • tests : your test files. we use supertest as the testing library.

Component Generator

To make things easier, we've made a simple bash script to generate components for you. Call it like this sh component-generator ComponentName - and it will generate a folder with files inside components folder - it will also generate a folder with test suite template inside tests/api folder. Please use UpperCamelCase for the parameter.

After creating the component, you can access it from <HOST>:<PORT>/<API_PREFIX>/<module-name> - you can also check the test suite template by running npm run test / yarn test. Currently available component is user component using mongodb as sample.

Database Options

You can choose between NoSQL ( using mongodb database driver ) or SQL ( using sequelize database driver ). In this repository, you're given example configuration on using mongo / postgres. Please see app/providers/database for details

Docker & Docker Compose

Running docker-compose up will give you several connected containers ready for tinkering : Application container using node 8.11, MongoDB 3.6 with persistence volume, and Postgres 9.5 with persistence volume. ( will create data/mongo and data/postgres folder if not exists )

Notes & References

The main principle of this component based architecture is loose-coupled relation between components. But depending on your business domain, there might be some components that are tighly coupled and that's also quite alright.

For the loosely coupled component, you need to interact by sending messages/by REST API, just like how mocroservices interact. A component can call API / use message broker to call another components related functions.

For the tightly coupled components you just call the method directly, will be better if they're inside some kind of parent component so the context is clearer.

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an express starter project with component based grouping.







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