Fabric CA Deployment Guide - following the steps described in CA Deployment steps
NOTE: In this project you can bring up the fabric-ca-server using docker or using the binary
- Download the CA-Fabric binaries
- Preparing environment
- Bring up the fabric-ca-server (docker or binary)
- Registering and enrolling identities with a CA
- Documentation
The ca binaries can be downloaded from ca-binary
Copy the fabric-ca-client binary to fabric-ca-client-org1/bin folder.
Copy the fabric-ca-server binary to fabric-ca-server-org1/bin folder.
In this section, Fabric-CA docker image is used to deploy an organization CA that issues identity certificates.
start the server in debug mode
cd ./fabric-ca-server-org1
docker-compose up
In this section, Fabric-CA image is used to deploy an organization CA that issues identity certificates.
cd ./fabric-ca-server-org1
In another terminal
cd ./fabric-ca-client-org1
. registerEnroll.sh
function register and enroll a peer0, user1, org1admin in fabric-ca-client-org1/ca-folder/org1 folder.