SOSFood is a full stack web application built with Node.js, Express, AJAX, Twilio API, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3 and PosgreSQL.
An application built to simplify online food ordering for pickup.
Desired users are restaurant owners and customers:
Restaurant owners will recieve a SMS when an order is placed.
- The owners can send a SMS with estimated preparation time to notify customers.
- The owners can check the informtation and status of each order.
Customers can order from the restaurant menu online.
- They will be notified when the order has been accepted and how long it will take.
- They will be notified when the order is ready for pickup.
Install all dependencies using the npm install
Setup the database:
- Run
knex migrate:latest
in your terminal. - Optional: Set up dummy-data by running
knex seed:run
in your terminal.
Run the development web server using the 'npm start' command.
Setup twilio and ngrok
- Sign up in twilio and ngrok to require authorization tokens and account sid.
- Use twilio to send and receive message.
- Use ngrok to open the localhost port for twilio webhook to receive message.
- dovenv 4.0.0 or above
- express 4.15.3 or above
- morgan 1.8.2 or above
- node 5.10.x or above
- pg 7.0.2 or above
- twilio 3.5.0 or above
- Login page is only demonstrational
- Add REACT front end
- Implement login and registration to owner page
- Manage orders directly from the orders page
- Allow clients to view the status of their order on the website
- Host the app on a public domain