- About
- Features
- Installation and Usage
- Endpoints
- Languages and Tools Used
- Screenshots
- Acknowledgements
This is a student management REST-API which was built using python Flask and Flask-smorest that enables users to add students,courses and grade the students as well. The application can be used for the following:
- Register students into the school's system
- Create new users to manage the application
- Administrators and users can add or register students. Student ID and password will be automatically generated once they are registered
- Students can login with Student ID and password provided upon registeration
- Administrators of the application can add a new course to which students can later login to enroll for the course of thier choice
- Administrators and users of the application can add scores for students based on the courses they are enrolled under.
- This application automatically calculates the grades and GPA of students once a student is registered and enrolls for a course or courses
- All courses should have a code which students will use to enroll. E.g A Computer Science course can have a course code as CS001
- Once logged in, a student can view all available courses to enroll for, he or she can view all the course enrolled under as well as the grades for each course
- Students can also view thier basic details or information, request for a password change if forgotten, and also be able to change thier passwords.
- All other routes except enrolling for a course can be accessed by an Administrator.
- However, a user who is not an administrator has some restrictions like deleting a student or course.
- This application also enables the user to retrieve all students and all courses. One can also view a student by his or her ID and also view a course by its code
- You can also view all the students enrolled for a particular course as well as all the courses a particular student has enrolled for
- All the grades of each student for a particular course can also be retrieved. A student can also retrieve all the grades for all the courses they have enrolled for
- Students can view thier GPA. However, users and administrators can view the GPA of all students
To try this application, you can either clone and run it locally on your PC or visit the site here to check it out.
Follow the steps below to run and test the application locally
- Clone this app
git clone https://github.com/kojosimtema/students-management-system-api.git
- cd to the root directorate of the project and create your virtual environment
cd student-management-api
python -m venv env_name
- Activate your virtual environment
source env_name/Scripts/activate "for windows"
source env_name/bin/activate "for linus and MacOS"
- Install all packages from the requirements.txt file
pip install -r requirements.txt
Before you run the application locally, do the following:
1. In the run.py file remove the "config=config_dict['prod']" argument from the create_app function as below to run in development mode
from api import create_app
from api.main.config.config import config_dict
app = create_app(config=config_dict['prod'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
from api import create_app
from api.main.config.config import config_dict
app = create_app()
if __name__ == '__main__':
2. Navigate to api/main/config and comment line 7 to 9, line 64 to 67 and uncomment line 68 in the config.py file
import os
from decouple import config
from datetime import timedelta
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
uri = os.getenv('DATABASE_URL') #or other relevant config var
if uri.startswith('postgres://'):
uri = uri.replace('postgres://', 'postgresql://', 1)
import os
from decouple import config
from datetime import timedelta
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
#uri = config('DATABASE_URL') #or other relevant config var
#if uri.startswith('postgres://'):
# uri = uri.replace('postgres://', 'postgresql://', 1)
3. Create the database using flask shell as follows;
- Set the flask app
export FLASK_APP=api/
flask shell
4. Run the application to get started
flask run
python run.py
Once the application is running, you can start testing it with the following admin credentials
username: superadmin
password: password
Login as an admin to get a JWT token. Once you add the token to authorization header to can go ahead and create a new user or student.
You can also view students already added in the system. All other routes can b tested once you are logged in as an admin
If you need to perform as task as a student (eg. enroll for a course) you'll need to login as a student to do that.
You can go ahead and create a new student to get the student ID and password.
You can visit the app here as well to test the already hosted application with the same credentials provided above.
POST | /auth/user/signup | Create a new User | User | None | Administrator |
POST | /auth/user/login | Generate Access Token for User | Access Token & Refresh Token | None | Administrator, User |
POST | /auth/student/register | Register a new student | Student ID & password | None | Administrator, User |
POST | /auth/student/login | Generate a Access token for student | Access Token & Refresh Token | None | Student |
POST | /auth/resetpassword/{email} | Reset a forgotten password | Username and new password; Student ID and new password | User email or Student email | User, Student |
PUT | /auth/changepassword | Change a password | Success message | None | User, Student |
GET | /student | Retrieve or get all students | Students | None | Adminstrator, User |
POST | /student/enrollment | Enroll for a course | Student with courses enrolled for | None | Student |
GET | /student/enrollment/{student_id} | Retrieve or get all courses of a particular student | Course | Student email | Adminstrator, User, Student |
PUT | /student/enrollment/{student_id}/{course_code} | Enter or update a student's score for a course | Enrollment | Student ID and course code | Adminstrator, User |
DELETE | /student/enrollment/{student_id}/{course_code} | Delete or unregister course enrollment for a student | Success Message | Student ID and course code | Adminstrator |
GET | /student/enrollment/grade/{student_id} | Retrieve or get grades of all courses for a particular student | Enrollment | Student ID | Adminstrator, User, Student |
GET | /student/enrollment/gpa | Retrieve or get the GPA of all students | GPA | None | Adminstrator, User |
GET | /student/enrollment/gpa/{student_id} | Retrive or get the GPA of a particular student | GPA | Student ID | Adminstrator, User, Student |
GET | /student/{student_id} | Retrive or get a student by ID | Student | Student ID | Adminstrator, User, Student |
PUT | /student/{student_id} | Update a student's information | Student | Student ID | Adminstrator, User |
DELETE | /student/{student_id} | Delete a student from the database | Success Message | Student ID | Adminstrator |
GET | /course | Retrieve or get all courses | Courses | None | Adminstrator, User, Student |
POST | /course | Add a new course | Course | None | Adminstrator, User |
GET | /course/{course_code} | Retrieve or get a course by course code | Course | Course code | Adminstrator, User |
PUT | /course/{course_code} | Update or edit a course | Course | Course code | Adminstrator, User |
DELETE | /course/{course_code} | Delete a course from database | Success message | Course code | Adminstrator |
GET | /course/enrollment/{course_code} | Get or retrieve all students registered in a particular course | Students | Course code | Adminstrator, User |
GET | /course/enrollment/grade/{course_code} | Get or retrieve grades of all students for a particular course | Enrollments | Course code | Adminstrator, User |
NOTE: I am returning the student ID and password for testing purposes. Ideally, the student ID and password will be sent directly to the student's email
- Python
- Flask
- SQLAlchemy
- SQLite
- Flask Smoorest
- PostgreSQL