- bugs:
- starting from empty editor still loads last file's bar
- not due learning cards have the right buttons, but are picked by the note shuffler (may be state problem though). example note data:
- could be just the quick picker
- auto-generate: true q: template: learn stage: ongoing due: 2024-12-16T12:36:06.702Z seen: 2024-12-14T12:36:06.702Z stability: 0.94991933 difficulty: 6.72355574 elapsed: 0 scheduled: 2 reps: 2 lapses: 0 state: 2
- is not starting a learning note handled correctly? think not (JUST GREEN TEST)
- notes that are deleted should be removed from this.notes
- prevent last note immediately being picked again
glob style folder exclusions?
temp filter?
keyboard/command support?
'not today' for longmedia/article 1 day, but 2 days for 'done', as reward?
sometimes pick longest-not-seen due note, to avoid burying notes completely under the non-perfect randomness