A command-line tool to execute MPS generator without a build script.
The tool is JVM-based and needs MPS libraries (${mps_home}/lib/**/*.jar
) on its classpath. The simplest way to run it
is by using Gradle's JavaExec
task. See below for an example.
usage: execute-generators [-h] [--plugin PLUGIN]... [--macro MACRO]...
[--plugin-location PLUGIN_LOCATION] [--plugin-root PLUGIN_ROOT]...
[--build-number BUILD_NUMBER] [--test-mode] [--environment ENVIRONMENT]
[--log-level LOG_LEVEL] [--no-libraries] --project PROJECT
[--model MODEL]... [--module MODULE]... [--exclude-model EXCLUDE_MODEL]...
[--exclude-module EXCLUDE_MODULE]... [--no-strict-mode]
[--parallel-generation-threads THREADS]
required arguments:
--project PROJECT project to generate from
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--plugin PLUGIN plugin to load. The format is --plugin=<id>::<path>
--macro MACRO macro to define. The format is --macro=<name>::<value>
--plugin-location PLUGIN_LOCATION location to load additional plugins from
--plugin-root PLUGIN_ROOT directory to search for plugins in. This detection
method is independent from --plugin and
--build-number BUILD_NUMBER build number used to determine if the plugins are
--test-mode run in test mode
--environment ENVIRONMENT kind of environment to initialize, supported values are
'idea' (default), 'mps'
--log-level LOG_LEVEL console log level. Supported values: info, warn, error,
off. Default: warn.
--no-libraries do not load project libraries under MPS environment
--model MODEL list of models to generate
--module MODULE list of modules to generate
--exclude-model EXCLUDE_MODEL list of models to exclude from generation
--exclude-module EXCLUDE_MODULE list of modules to exclude from generation
--no-strict-mode Disable strict generation mode. Strict mode places
additional limitations on generators, but is required
for parallel generation
--parallel-generation-threads THREADS Number of threads to use for parallel generation. Value
of 0 means that parallel generation is disabled.
Default: 0
: nothing to generate255
: general MPS error
val mps by configurations.creating
val executeGenerators by configurations.creating
dependencies {
val mpsHome = File(buildDir, "mps")
val unpackMps by tasks.registering(Sync::class) {
from({ configuration.resolve().map(project::zipTree) })
val generate by tasks.registering(JavaExec::class) {
classpath(fileTree(mpsHome) {
args("--project", it.projectDir)
args("--model", "my.model.to.generate")