will pipe every message from an mbox file as an input to a shell
command. A message counter is available as a shell variable $NR.
If no file is specified, catbox
will read from stdin.
Inspired by caeml.
go install
Usage: catbox [-h|-c <cmd>] <mbox>
Add this line to the [filters] section in your aerc.conf:
application/mbox=catbox -c caeml | colorize
The following examples assume that you have a file test.mbox
in a valid mbox
format in your local directory.
- Show the message number counter:
catbox -c 'echo $NR' test.mbox`
- Pipe every mbox message to caeml:
catbox -c caeml test.mbox
- Save every mbox message in a separate file
catbox -c 'cat > message_$NR' test.mbox
- Print only the first ten messages:
catbox -c "awk -v cbnr=\$NR '{if (cbnr>10) print}'" test.mbox
- Read from stdin and only display the full message headers:
cat test.mbox | catbox -c "sed -n '1,/^\\s*$/p'"