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Limbus: Computer Vision pipelining for PyTorch

CI PyPI version

Similar to the eye corneal limbus - Limbus is a framework to create Computer Vision pipelines within the context of Deep Learning and writen in terms of differentiable tensors message passing on top of Kornia and PyTorch.


You can create pipelines using limbus.Components as follows:

# define your components
c1 = Constant("c1", 1.)
c2 = Constant("c2", torch.ones(1, 3))
add = Adder("add")
show = Printer("print")

# connect the components
c1.outputs.out >> add.inputs.a
c2.outputs.out >> add.inputs.b
add.outputs.out >> show.inputs.inp

# create the pipeline and add its nodes
pipeline = Pipeline()
pipeline.add_nodes([c1, c2, add, show])

# run your pipeline

torch.allclose(add.outputs.out.value, torch.ones(1, 3) * 2.)

Example using the stack torch method:

# define your components
c1 = Constant("c1", 0)
t1 = Constant("t1", torch.ones(1, 3))
t2 = Constant("t2", torch.ones(1, 3) * 2)
stack = Stack("stack")
show = Printer("print")

# connect the components
c1.outputs.out >> stack.inputs.dim
t1.outputs.out >>
t2.outputs.out >>
stack.outputs.out >> show.inputs.inp

# create the pipeline and add its nodes
pipeline = Pipeline()
pipeline.add_nodes([c1, t1, t2, stack, show])

# run your pipeline

torch.allclose(stack.outputs.out.value, torch.tensor([[1., 1., 1.],[2., 2., 2.]]))

Remember that the components can be run without the Pipeline, e.g in the last example you can also run:, t1(), t2(), stack(), show()))

Basically, Pipeline objects allow you to control the execution flow, e.g. you can stop, pause, resume the execution, determine the number of executions to be run...

A higher level API on top of Pipeline is App allowing to encapsulate some code. E.g.:

class MyApp(App):
    def create_components(self):
        self.c1 = Constant("c1", 0)
        self.t1 = Constant("t1", torch.ones(1, 3))
        self.t2 = Constant("t2", torch.ones(1, 3) * 2)
        self.stack = stack("stack") = Printer("print")

    def connect_components(self):
        self.c1.outputs.out >> self.stack.inputs.dim
        self.t1.outputs.out >>
        self.t2.outputs.out >>
        self.stack.outputs.out >>


Component definition

Creating your own components is pretty easy, you just need to inherit from limbus.Component and implement some methods (see some examples in examples/

The Component class has the next main methods:

  • __init__: where you can add class parameters to your component.
  • register_inputs: where you need to declare the input pins of your component.
  • register_outputs: where you need to declare the output pins of your component.
  • register_properties: where you can declare properties that can be changed during the execution.
  • forward: where you must define the logic of your component (mandatory).

For a detailed list of Component methods and attributes, please check limbus/core/

Note that if you want intellisense (at least in VSCode you will need to define the input and output types).

Let's see a very simple example that sums 2 integers:

class Add(Component):
    """Add two numbers."""
    # NOTE: type definition is optional, but it helps with the intellisense. ;)
    class InputsTyping(InputParams):
        a: InputParam
        b: InputParam

    class OutputsTyping(OutputParams):
        out: OutputParam

    inputs: InputsTyping
    outputs: OutputsTyping

    def register_inputs(inputs: InputParams) -> None:
        # Here you need to declare the input parameters and their default values (if they have).
        inputs.declare("a", int)
        inputs.declare("b", int)

    def register_outputs(outputs: OutputParams) -> None:
        # Here you need to declare the output parameters.
        outputs.declare("out", int)

    async def forward(self) -> ComponentState:
        # Here you must to define the logic of your component.
        a, b = await asyncio.gather(
        await self.outputs.out.send(a + b)
        return ComponentState.OK

Note that Component can inherint from nn.Module. By default inherints from object.

To change the inheritance, before importing any other limbus module, set the COMPONENT_TYPE variable as:

from limbus_config import config
config.COMPONENT_TYPE = "torch"


Limbus is a core technology to easily build different components and create generic pipelines. In the following list, you can find different examples about how to use Limbus with some first/third party projects containing components:


from PyPI:

pip install limbus  # limbus alone
# or
pip install limbus[components]  # limbus + some predefined components

Note that to use widgets you need to install their dependencies:

pip install limbus[widgets]

from the repository:

pip install limbus@git+  # limbus alone
# or
pip install limbus[components]@git+  # limbus + some predefined components

for development

you can install the environment with the following commands:

git clone
cd limbus

In order to regenerate the development environment:

cd limbus
rm -rf .dev_env


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