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To Do List

Nico Amarilla edited this page Jan 15, 2017 · 2 revisions


Suggestions from reddit:

  • Perform all transformations in linear color space. Here is a good explanation why that matters. More comprehensive article on gamma.

  • Allow to store intermediate images with higher precision. 8 bit per color is too low and will cause rounding errors after each operation. I think the best option is f32 for each channel component which store linear values and are not automatically clamped to 0-1 range.

  • Correctly handle color space information in image files, do not just assume sRGB. This will become more important in coming years as UHD/HDR/Rec. 2020 become more common.

  • One thing I would suggest would be to say 'compositing operations' instead of blend modes and 'over' instead of 'normal'

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