This extension will allow you change your workspace activity bar and notifications' background colour easily! Just grab the mouse and select your desired colour in the color picker.
This is also my first time trying to do a VSCode plugin so it may be a bit wonkier than your usual extension but I hope this makes your organization a bit better! 💪💪💪
- SpectraCode doesn't update its height if you increment it.
- Due to how VSCode refreshes its Webview contents, change the width of the Primary Side Bar to properly update the size of the color picker.
You can now also update the color scheme of the Menu Bar and the Command Palette!
Color picker now updates if you input a custom Hex color.
Fixed color picker collapsing itself when hiding the view. Added a manual HEX value and a manual Notification Test check instead of putting continuous notifications.
Updated VSCode Extension Groups, Readme and Changelog
Updated VSCode Extension preview
Initial release