Application doesn't have any special system oriented functions that's why it should be fine on any system.
If You want to compile the code on MSW You need to have wxwidgets version 3.0.2 properly unpacked on the system.
On Linux it's easier - Debian based systems just have to install Code::Blocks and additional software for wxSmith from apt.
For now I haven't tested wxwidgets on MacOS but it should work fine too.
To use the app download files from THIS LINK - one *.exe and two *.dll. Make sure that all of them are in the same folder or aplication won't start showing error missing dll's. For easy testing option called "read from file" please additionaly download file called "sample of input file.txt".
RLE (Run Length Encoding) and ByteRun are encoding/decoding or You can call that compressing/decompressing text to make it's size smaller without loosing any information. If You would like to know more about them please follow the link: RLE and ByteRun
Here are couple screens of running app