Requires a type cast.
In Kotlin, in T
this is a contravariant generic.
open class SuperClass
class Child : SuperClass()
class InGenericItem<in T>
private fun example(example: InGenericItem<SuperClass>) {
val y: InGenericItem<Child> = example // Won't compile without in
In Objective-C in
we generated a generic with an indication of its contravariant:
@interface SharedInGenericItem<__contravariant T> : SharedBase
- (instancetype)init __attribute__((swift_name("init()"))) __attribute__((objc_designated_initializer));
+ (instancetype)new __attribute__((availability(swift, unavailable, message="use object initializers instead")));
And in theory, similar code in Swift should work:
open class SuperClass {}
class ChildClass : SuperClass {}
private func inGenericUsage(generic: InGenericItem<SuperClass>) {
let _: InGenericItem<ChildClass> = generic
But it doesn't compile, and gives the error:
Cannot assign value of type 'InGenericItem<SuperClass>' to type 'InGenericItem<ChildClass>'
Through type casting it works:
generic: InGenericItem<ChildClass>() as! InGenericItem<SuperClass>
private func inGenericUsage(generic: InGenericItem<SuperClass>) {
let _: InGenericItem<ChildClass> = generic as! InGenericItem<ChildClass>
print("inGenericUsage - ok")