Requires a type cast.
In Kotlin - Star projection
is a combination of concepts in
and out
class MyGeneric<T : Any>(val data: T) {
val state: T get() = data
fun someStarProjection(myGeneric: MyGeneric<*>) {
println("myGeneric: ${myGeneric}")
fun starProjectionExample() {
val myGeneric = MyGeneric(1)
In Objective-C we get this header:
@interface SharedMyGeneric<T> : SharedBase
- (instancetype)initWithData:(T)data __attribute__((swift_name("init(data:)"))) __attribute__((objc_designated_initializer));
- (void)someStarProjectionMyGeneric:(SharedMyGeneric<id> *)myGeneric __attribute__((swift_name("someStarProjection(myGeneric:)")));
@property (readonly) T data __attribute__((swift_name("data")));
@property (readonly) T state __attribute__((swift_name("state")));
On the Swift side we can use type casts:
private func starGenericProjecton() {
let starProj = MyGeneric(data: NSNumber(12))
starProj.someStarProjection(myGeneric: starProj as! MyGeneric<AnyObject>)
starProj.someStarProjection(myGeneric: MyGeneric<AnyObject>(data: NSString("111")))