- Models => Core = Domain
- Business (Services - Use Cases) => Application
- DataAccess => Infrastructure
- UI => Presentation
- Common (Dtos) => Shared
- default project in Package Manager Console) => Infrastructure
- Set as startup project => Blazor_Server
- EntityFrameworkCore\Add-Migration First
- EntityFrameworkCore\Update-Database
- Blazor
- Clean Architecture
- XUnit
- AutoFixture
- Fluent Assertion
- BUnit
- Selenium
- Specflow
- identity
- Long-Running Tasks
- Hangfire
- azure AD
- ci cd
- docker
- Kubernetes
- kind
- Typescript
- Node
- React
- Angular
- Vue
- Design Patterns
- Reflection
in solution folder:
dotnet new install bunit.template
C:\kind>kind C:\kind>kind create cluster --name k8s-course
kubectl get nodes kubectl get pods --all-namespaces kubectl get services --all-namespaces kubectl get services --namespace kube-system kubectl get deployments --all-namespaces kubectl get namespaces
kubectl create ns my-namespace kubectl create deployment my-website --image=nginx --port=80 --replicas=3 --namespace my-namespace kubectl expose deployment my-website --port=80 -n my-namespace
Wait for the deployment to be ready
kubectl rollout status deployment/my-website
Port forward to the service so we can access from our host (there are other ways - but we'll cover that later in this course)
kubectl port-forward service/my-website 8080:80 -n my-namespace
If you want to cleanup, run this command after you're done...
kubectl delete ns my-namespace
List all contexts
kubectl config get-contexts
Switch context
kubectl config use-context my-context
Check current context
kubectl config current-context
Create new context kubectl config set-context my-context --cluster= --user= --namespace=
Set namespace for current context
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=my-namespace
- Blazor - The Complete Guide [.NET 9] [E-commerce]
- Udemy – Handling Long-Running Tasks in .NET Core 2023-7
- Pluralsight – ASP.NET Core 6 Blazor Fundamentals 2022-10
- BethanysPieShopHR
- blazor-workshop
- Dometrain - Let's Build It URL Shortener in .NET 2024-11
Dometrain – From Zero to Hero: Kubernetes for Developers 2024-6
- adam freeman
- Bhrugen Patel
- gill cleeren
- kevin dockx
- Felipe Gavilán
- Ervis Trupja
- Dometrain
- Thomas Claudius Huber
- Alex Wolf
- Roland Guijt
- Trevoir Williams
- Dot Net Mastery
- Udemy
- Pluralsight
- Dometrain