##Accepted in ACL 2024, findings##
This repository contains code adapted from the following research papers for the purpose of cross document-level relation extraction. We extend our gratitude to the authors for generously sharing their clean and valuable code implementations.
Authors: Wang, Fengqi and Li, Fei and Fei, Hao and Li, Jingye and Wu, Shengqiong and Su, Fangfang and Shi, Wenxuan and Ji, Donghong and Cai, Bo",Wang Xu, Kehai Chen, Tiejun Zhao
Year: 2022
**Code implementation can be found here: [https://github.com/MakiseKuurisu/ecrim]
- Follow the guideliens from : https://github.com/thunlp/CodRED
- pip install torch-geometric
- pip install a2t
- sudo apt install redis-server
- start Redis-server using: sudo service redis-server start
docker build -t doc:v0 .
docker run --gpus all -it -d --shm-size=20gb --name=doc doc:v0
login Docker and install the following:
apt-get update &&
apt-get -y install sudo -
pip install torch-geometric
pip install a2t
sudo apt install redis-server
start Redis-server using: sudo service redis-server start
Navigate to data/rawdata folder
wget https://thunlp.oss-cn-qingdao.aliyuncs.com/wiki_ent_link.jsonl
wget https://thunlp.oss-cn-qingdao.aliyuncs.com/distant_documents.jsonl
wget https://thunlp.oss-cn-qingdao.aliyuncs.com/popular_page_ent_link.jsonl
Navigate to data directory:
python3 load_data_doc.py
python3 redis_doc.py
In this directory structure, you have a folder named "C" containing a subdirectory "code." Within the "code" directory, there are several files and subdirectories:
: Directory to store datacontext
: Files for creating context.r/
: Directory to store model checkpoints.main.py
: File for training the code.explanation_withrelevance.py
: File to generate explanation.
This project utilizes the following datasets:
- CoDRED Dataset: The DocRED dataset can be accessed ( https://github.com/thunlp/CodRED) place in data/ directory
Follow the steps below to start the training process:
Train reasoning module: Navigate to the
directory using the following command:cd/ KDocRE bash train.sh
Navigate to the KDocRE
directory using the following command:
cd/ KDocRE bash test.sh
- explaination is generated in explanation.txt
- explaination with relevance is stored in relevance.txt
Please cite:
@misc{jain2024knowledgedriven, title={Knowledge-Driven Cross-Document Relation Extraction}, author={Monika Jain and Raghava Mutharaju and Kuldeep Singh and Ramakanth Kavuluru}, year={2024}, eprint={2405.13546}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} }