Inject custom C++ code into GameMaker Studio 2 YYC builds!
WARNING: This tool is currently in an early stage of development and it is not guaranteed to work in all projects/cases! Use at your own risk! Currently only the Windows YYC target is supported!
Run functions in a separate thread!
yyc_run_in_thread(function () {
while (true)
show_debug_message("This does not block the main thread!");
Utilize multithreading for parallel tasks! Includes fallback for VM.
var _sleepTask = function (_arg) {
var _ms = _arg[0];
var _message = _arg[1];
var _t = current_time;
while (current_time - _t < _ms) {}
// Create standalone tasks:
new YYC_Task(_sleepTask, [1000, "Standalone task done!"]).Run();
// Or groups of tasks:
new YYC_GroupTask([
new YYC_Task(_sleepTask, [1000, "Task 1 done!"]),
new YYC_Task(_sleepTask, [2000, "Task 2 done!"]),
new YYC_Task(_sleepTask, [3000, "Task 3 done!"]),
], _sleepTask, [1000, "Group 1 done!"]).Run();
Define C++ type of a var
to save memory and increase performance!
#macro COUNT 10000
var _t;
_t = get_timer();
for (var i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) {}
show_debug_message(get_timer() - _t);
// This loop runs faster compared to when a regular var is used
_t = get_timer();
for (var j/*:int*/= 0; j < COUNT; ++j) {}
show_debug_message(get_timer() - _t);
Replace function with a custom C++ code!
/// @desc Returns 1 when YYC Boost is used, otherwise 0.
function is_cpp()
_result = 1;
return _result;
return 0;
Online documentation for the latest release of YYC Boost is available here.
Requires Python 3!
git clone
cd .\YYCBoost\YYCBoost_CLI\
python.exe -m venv env
pip.exe install -r requirements.txt
This will create a directory YYCBoost\YYCBoost_CLI\dist
with yycboost.exe