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Kyle Billings Ph.D student at WVU mertz lab

This github repository is a collection of all the code I have used over my career. I will try to keep this page updated as much as I can, and feel free to reach out if you so choose. The gives a brief break down of the codes, files, and directories here. I am in the process of ensuring all of the python codes are PEP 20 format and that all other are as clear as possible but this will take some time. Spelling mistakes are certian in all of the code because of dyslexia, but I will try my best to fix any of those types of errors.

List of files in the base directory

Filename content of file file for explaining the repository
git-ssh-cheat-sheet.txt lines of code used to set up this github
list-of-useful-bash-commands.txt an ever growing list of useful bash code
images the image files used in the readme file

Breakdown of each folder and the materials inside

This folder contains code that should be run on almost every analyis for a trajecotry


    • This python code is useful for measuring the vector angle between two definded vectors. This code is written to use the libray LOOS to loop over the trajecory given and find the angle between the two user defined vectors . The code takes up tp 6 total commmand line arugmetns byut only 5 are required. We give the program the psf, dcd, name of atom 1 to set that point , name of atom 2 to draw the vecor of the given slection. The selection languge follows the loos syntax and can be more than one atom.
    • there is four use case for this program :
      • the 5th argument is 'x' telling the program to use the x axis for the vector angle
      • the 5th argument is 'y' telling the program to use the y axis for the vector angle
      • the 5th argument is 'z' telling the program to use the z axis for the vector angle
      • the 5th argument is the name of another atom of interset and is follwed by another atom to draw the vector to create a new vector
    • This python code uses LOOS to load in a trjecotry with structual information and reutrns the dynamic cross correaltion matrix (DCC). This is an indication of correalted movent between residue pairs. (see the explation of DDC for more detial on the theory). The code takes the psf , the slection of tom to prefrom the DCC calcuations on , and any number of trajectory files. The output in a NXN matrix where N is the number of resides with the correaltion of residue pair montion.

Explannation of DCC

DCC is based of the standard pearson correation matrix of the selected atoms for analysis (typlically the Cɑ atoms). The following equation is used to compute the DCC.

$$DCC(i,j) = \dfrac{\langle \Delta r_{i}(t) \Delta r_{j}(t) \rangle}{\sqrt{\lVert \langle \Delta r_{i}(t) \rVert \rangle^{2}}\sqrt{\lVert \langle \Delta r_{j}(t) \rVert \rangle^{2}}}$$

Here delta R is defined as change in the postion of the atom at time t from the mean postion of that atom over the trajecotry.

$$\Delta r_{i/j} = r_{i/j}(t) - \langle r_{i/j}(t) \rangle $$

example DCC graph

A directory containing code to help in the indentifaction of when production of MD simulations starts.


    • Python code that when given a text file with measurnets will calculate the autocorrelation of the timeseries, returns the estimated frame at to strat analysis. This is done by using takeing a block of the data, finding the standard devation(stdev) of that block, and comparing that stdev to the wanted confidence interval. If that block is not less than the confidence interval another block of data is added untill we are less than the interval.
    • python code using Augmented Dickey-Fuller test to verifiy that the data is stationary (aka at equalbrium) this is a work in progress, beacuse there is some memory isseus depending on the size of the data.
This folder contains the pyton code and an example bash scirpt for modeling missing loops into a protein chain


    • A python code that takes a user defined PDB file, the chain to work on, and the name of a outfile, and uses the modeller package to create a homology model of the missing loops.
    • A bash scirpt example written to loop through a list of PDB files stored locally on the computer, and model in the missing loops
This folder contains codes for find the SASA and secondary struccture analysis


  • frame_sasa.tcl
    • A TCL code ran in VMD to find the solvent-accessible surface area over time of a given range of protein reisude. The code takes command line arguments for the psf, dcd, 1st residue, last resiude, and the prefix of the outfile. The code sources the path to useful function tcl code so the path will have to altered to adjust to your needs.
  • frame_ss.tcl
    • A TCL code made to run vmd to find the Secondary strucutre (SS) of residues perframe of the trajecotry. This is done over a user redifned range of residue indexs. This takes the psf, dcd, 1st residue, last reisude and preix of the run. Returns the frame index each resdiues SS and the precent helicity of that selection at a given frame. The code sources the path to useful function tcl code so the path will have to altered to adjust to your needs.
  • usefull_fxns.tcl
    • A TCL set of functions to find the SS and SASA of one frame of a given slection in VMD. Must be soruced into the tcl code used in VMD for analysis.
    • A bash code for using the STRIDE bininary to find SS in the same format output as VMD would. This code requires a LOOS installation, and the binaiary of STRIDE To be on the computer. I use this on the HPC cluster where VMD is not able to be installed due to missing the GUI libraies. This code find the number of frames using dcdinfo from loos, loop over the indexs of frames (number of frames -1) , creates a temparty pdb for the given loos selection, uses STRIDE to get the letter code SS result, then bash is used to % helical content in that frames pdb, finally outputiing both the letter codes and the % helical content. The limting factor in the speed this code is the pure number of IO operations to write each frame as pdb/writting each line for the SS/ removing the temp pdb, but I still have not found a way to pipe the out of frame2pdb stright into the stride binanry code.
This folder containt the VMD tcl files to run namd energy in vmd


  • target_to_target_namdE.tcl
    • This tcl code is to be used within VMD to execute namdEnergy. In the commandline it takes the arugemts of psf, dcd, selection 1, selection 2, and name of the file to output. There is one path that is hard coded into the code this time which is the path to the toppar files need to read in the stucture to namd. the solvent radius is set to 1.4 Å (standard for water as the solvent), the charmm36 cutoff distance (12 Å), and the charmm36 switch distacne (10 Å). Feel free to alter these vaules to suit your case
  • template_namd.namd
    • namd configeration filewith the basic infromation filled out.
This file contains two bash scripts to setup both miniconda and LOOS.


    • This bash code setups conda using wget. The code will check in wget is installed and if conda is not installed. After this is ture we download the package using wget, run the file. After following the prompts from the miniconda executable, and making sure to say yes to the conda init question, the bashrc is update. We use conda to alter the bashrc once again to not intialize on opening a terminal. run this code with bash
    • This bash script create the LOOS environment. This code follwos the LOOS guide to install the package. In the code we also test the installation of the code using interdist. If the name of the functions is not found the package did not install correactly.

This file contains the code to unwrapp a trajecotry using loos. This way is the classical way of unwrapping a MD trajecotry. Before this set of code VMD was used to unwrapp trajectories, but vmd can not be run on many HPC clusters. This code however can beacuse all you need for LOOS to work is a conda environment.


    • This code uses loos to unwrapp a trajecotry atom by atom of a given selection over the entire trajectory. See the explanation box for the mathmatically basis of the code.
    • This code uses a modified method unwrapp a MD trajecotry. The idea for this code came from this paper. The authors make a vaild point in that in constant pressure simualtuions the fluxation of the PBC box size in not accounted for. They show that for NTP simulations new factors have to be added. See the explanation box for the mathmatically basis of the code.
    • This code uses to loos to load a trajectory and find the mean sqaured displacment of the selcted group. In an errort not use memory the code uses a np mmemp to memory mapp the array cotaining every frames postion. Looping over a list of lags in the code we are given a the lag used and MSD for that lag traj.

Explanation of the heuristic unwrapping method

Both of these codes use a math trick to reduce the number of for loops needed to check if an atom has crossed the periodic boundry (PB).

The code makes use of math devloped for orthormobic, aka. cubic, cystral latices by the use of a floor function.

cubic lattice unit cell

This however limits the apllication to, the most common, rectanular unit cell The equation used for unwrapping a simulation is:

$$r_{u_{i}}(t+1) = r_{w_{i}}(t+1) - \lfloor \dfrac{r_{w_{i}}(t+1) - r_{u_{i}(t)}}{L(t+1)} + \dfrac{1}{2} \rfloor L(t+1)$$

  • $r_{u_{i}}(t+1)$ is the unwrapped postion of the next frame
  • $r_{w_{i}}(t+1)$ is the wrapped postion of the next frame
  • $r_{u_{i}(t)}$ is the unwrapped postion of the current frame
  • $L(t+1)$ is the PBC cell demsions of the next frame
  • $\lfloor ... \rfloor$ is the floor function

All of the operations in the equation are linear operaations mean that matrix algera can be applied to return the desried out come

This code works for NVT and NVE simulations but the changes in he box size caused by the perssure applied to the unit cell can result in placing a lipid in the wrong box. This causes a lipid to speed up altering MSD calucations apperaing to diffuse faster.

Explation of the displacment unwrapping code

Displacment unwrapping (also known as the toroidal view) is based off of using the minimal displacment vectrors, and retains the dynamics of the atoms.

This scheme should Only be used on a single point not all atoms of a object as appling this method to across multiple atoms can lead to bond stretching and dispruts disrupt the intermolcaulr iterations between molecuales

This equation adds in a factor for the alteration of the box size due to pressure

$$r_{u_{i}}(t+1) = r_{u}(t) + (r_{w_{i}}(t+1) - r_{w}(t)) - \lfloor \dfrac{r_{w_{i}}(t+1) - r_{w_{i}(t)}}{L(t+1)} + \dfrac{1}{2} \rfloor L(t+1)$$

The fluxation in the wrapped postion of a given molecule, $(r_{w_{i}}(t+1) - r_{w}(t))$, is added to the unwrapped postion of the current frame $r_{u}(t)$. The floor fuction checks if the atoms have moved more than half of the pbc cell edge lenght(s) to return the next frames unwrapped postion.

This approch retains the diffusive proerties of the selection while the distances are not 100% consevred. Making a better tool for NTP diffison calculations

This file is all of the code used to collect the data for the linear regression of the bateriorhodopsin project. The code is built to find user defiend angles, dihedrals, and orinations of atoms given in a exmaple configruation file.


    • This is the code to obtain all of the regression data. Within the code there is a class called callled readConfig the loads in the text file and obtains the information from the configuration file. The rest of the code is the function to calculte the all of the wanted vaules. This program can be run in a embrassingly paraelle manner with the use of muiltprocessing python libray
  • temp_config.txt
    • This is my config file to collect all of the data we have. Each line starts with a keyword for the code to extract vaules from the line. Each key word is not case sensative.
    • Key Word Breakdown:
      • system: all of the trajectory infromation for a given traj. The format is system PREFIX PATH_TO_PSF PATH_TO_TRAJECOTRY
      • DIHEDRAL: atoms that the user wants to find the dihedral angle of. The format is DIHEDRAL NAME_OF_ATOM1 NAME_OF_ATOM2 NAME_OF_ATOM3 NAME_OF_ATOM4. These atoms are read by the program in order from left to right.
      • ANGLE: atoms that the user wants to find the dihedral angle of. The format is ANGLE NAME_OF_ATOM1 NAME_OF_ATOM2 NAME_OF_ATOM3. These atoms are read by the program in order from left to right.
      • SKIP the number of frames to skip when doing the analysis. The format is SKIP NUMBER_TO_SKIP
      • STRIDE how we many frames are inbetween measurements. Format is Stride NUMER_TO_STRIDE
      • OUT: the path to where we want to output the data. The format is OUT PATH_FOR_DATA_OUTPUT
      • cores: the number of cores to run the analysis on . The Format is cores NUMBER_OF_CORES
      • RETINAL: This is the main selection of what to run the analysis over. The name retinal is in regrards to the ligand in the center of BR, but as long as there is only one instance of atom name The code will work for any LOOS selection. for eaxmaple you could not run this over all the CA atoms in a given protein since we only have accounted for one atom instance TODO: make the classes more flexable is I am able to. The format is Retinal LOOS_SELECTION_STRING

This flie is code that is used for the common analysis of lipid bilayers that are not alread in LOOS.


    • This code takes a file cotaining the area per lipids over a trajecorty and finds the constant for how comperssable the bialyer is. The bilayer patch size is a major factor in how compressable a bilayer is.
    • This code is a wrapper around the LOOS code for run_areas. The run areas used a vorino decompostion to find the area of points in a given space. This becomes handy for membrane protein simualtion, because the area per lipid code is normally calcualted by using the PBC box X and Y lenghts. However, membrane protein take up space in the membrane which would inflate the area per lipid via the conventail memthods. This code find the area for the whole membrane patch (including the protein) , and the portion of the membrane that cotains just the lipid selection.
This file is all of the code to make a solvent box from a singel PDB


    • This code uses LOOS to create a box of solvent. The user gives the PDB, number of molecule, desired lenght of the box edeges ,and the name of the pdb to be created. The code will try to place as many of the solvent molecules into the box.
This code is all of the function used in the large number of jupter notebooks I have for the regression project


    • This python code is just storage for the common functions I used during regression analysis for the Bacterio rhodopsin project. The code can be imported into another python script but calling in the command line will do nothing.


This folder has a good example of bash scripts to run on a HPC with the slurm manager.


    • This bash script is one half of a submission script that I have written. This part is the commands what we are telling the HPC to run for us. All the paths here are absoulte so if you need to use you will have to change them manually. Here I am running a command that runs on core each and need to run through a series of these commands, and sets them to run all at the same time to use the power of parelle computing. the & at the end of the srun put that command in the background and as long as there is a wait to re-pool all of the cores together this code will work submitting a batch of processes.
  • slurm_header.slurm
    • This file is a header for slurm with place holder variables for each flag. By concatanting this file with the we create a template file for a slurm job that we can edit as needed
    • This simple bash script is not needed for most people but I have a histoy of overwriting my template file. This code just creates an excutable slrum script with a wanted name so that I do not have to mess with the templates
  • template_analysis.slurm
    • This is the slurm submission script used in as the template for the BPR photocylce. All the paths in the file are hard coded so them have to be change for your use. The broad overveiw for this code I run the same command for analysis , create the out directory. Instead of moving the large dcd files, I created a symlink to that file. using readlin -f name_of_link we can pass those files absolute path.


github of all of the useful code i have written






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