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DFF 2.0.1 File Format

Rebecca G. Bettencourt edited this page Aug 27, 2014 · 1 revision


This page describes the DFF 2.0.1 file format, an open file format for structured binary data. The DFF 2.0.1 file format has been superseded by the DFF 3.0 file format.

DFF 2.0.1 File Format

The DFF 2.0.1 file format is endian-agnostic: the endianness of all fields is determined by the endianness of the magic number at the beginning of the file.

DFF 2.0.1 consists of a magic number and a resource count, followed by three sections. The header section consists of an array of resource header records. The name section consists of an array of Pascal strings. The data section contains all of the resource data. Each section contains the same number of records, as given by the resource count, in corresponding order. No word alignment is used.

Type Description Notes
int32 magic the magic number 0x25444632; the four-character constant (fcc) %DF2
int32 count the number of resources
header[] headers an array of resource header records
    int64     type the resource type; an eight-character constant (ecc)
    int16     lowid lower 16 bits of the resource id
    int16     dataType an application-specific value
    int16     attributes Bit 0 (0x0001; readonly) indicates the resource is read-only. Bit 1 (0x0002; system) indicates the resource is used by the operating system. Bit 2 (0x0004; preload) indicates the resource should be loaded immediately. Bit 3 (0x0008; purgeable) indicates the resource may be paged out of memory. Bit 4 (0x0010; fromfile) indicates the resource represents a file. Bit 5 (0x0020; fromrsrc) indicates the resource represents a resource from another format. Bit 6 (0x0040; invisible) indicates the resource should not appear in a UI. Bit 7 (0x0080; disabled) indicates the resource should not be used for some meaning of "used." Bit 8 (0x0100; protected) is application-specific. Bit 9 (0x0200; fixed) indicates the resource should not be moved in memory. Bit 10 (0x0400; multilingual) indicates the resource contains several localized versions of the same data. Bit 11 (0x0800; compressed) indicates the resource data is compressed. Other bits are application-specific.
    int16     highid upper 16 bits of the resource id
    int32     size length of the resource data
name[] names an array of resource name records
    int8     length length of the resource name
    byte[]     name the resource name, in UTF-8 encoding
byte[] data the resource data

Empty DFF 2.0.1 File

An empty DFF 2.0.1 file consists of the magic number and a resource count of zero.

0000:  25 44 46 32  00 00 00 00

Or the little-endian version:

0000:  32 46 44 25  00 00 00 00
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