My second github portfolio project is Todo List. In this project I used BEM for HTML and SCSS, and for functionalities I used vanilla JS.
Todo list has a nice amount of functions such as:
- Add todo
- Edit todo
- Remove todo
- Check todo as completed
- Filter todos
And all todos "active" and "finished" will be saved in local storage.
Also, I made functions to fix something like "sort todo elements" to be sorted by ID. This was an issue when you check todo as finished and after that you decide to change status to be "TO DO" it will not go back to the previous position, but at the bottom to be "last added". This function will fix that and todo will be placed at the previous position.
One more problem that I had to fix with a function is that attribute "checked" was not there in "Finished" todos tab when you load the page.
Click here to see live demo