It is recommended to install this package with mamba
(see below). If you don't have mamba
installed, you can install it with conda
. We start the guide by installing Mini-conda
First step required to use the pipeline is installing Miniconda. If you already have a working Anaconda setup you can go directly to the next step. Anaconda can be downloaded for all platforms from here. We suggest to use Miniconda, because it is lighter and install fewer unnecessary packages.
To download Miniconda, open a terminal and type:
Then install by typing:
bash ./
and follow the installation instructions. The file can be safely deleted.
Fist step is to install mamba, which is an alternative to conda:
conda install -c conda-forge mamba
PlantSeg version >= v1.6.2 is required. If you have a nvidia gpu, install plant-seg
mamba create -n plant-seg -c pytorch -c nvidia -c conda-forge pytorch pytorch-cuda=12.1 pyqt lcerrone::plantseg
or if you don't have a nvidia gpu, install plant-seg
mamba create -n plant-seg -c pytorch -c nvidia -c conda-forge pytorch cpuonly pyqt lcerrone::plantseg
The original configuration file used for training the final UNet PlantSeg model published on Bioimage.IO for wide applicability can be found at plantseg/configs/config_train_final.yml
, which is a configuration file for pytorch-3dunet, the core network of PlantSeg.
An example config file for segmentation can be found at plantseg/configs/config_pred_wide_applicability.yaml
. To modify it and use it for your own data, you need to change the path
: path to the folder containing the images to be segmented or to the image to be segmented
You may also need to change these parameters:
: a rescale factor to match the nucleus size of your data to the training data, not necessary but may help in specific casescnn_prediction:patch
: patch size should be smaller than the dimension of your image, and smaller than the GPU memory
The full configuration file is shown below:
# Contains the path to the directory or file to process
# enable/disable preprocessing
state: True
# key for H5 or ZARR, can be set to null if only one key exists in each file
key: Null
# channel to use if input image has shape CZYX or CYX, otherwise set to null
channel: Null
# create a new sub folder where all results will be stored
save_directory: 'PreProcessing'
# rescaling the volume is essential for the generalization of the networks. The rescaling factor can be computed as the resolution
# of the volume at hand divided by the resolution of the dataset used in training. Be careful, if the difference is too large check for a different model.
factor: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
# the order of the spline interpolation
order: 2
# cropping out areas of little interest can drastically improve the performance of plantseg.
# crop volume has to be input using the numpy slicing convention [b_z:e_z, b_x:e_x, b_y:e_y], where b_zxy is the
# first point of a bounding box and e_zxy is the second. eg: [:, 100:500, 400:900]
crop_volume: '[:,:,:]'
# optional: perform Gaussian smoothing or median filtering on the input.
# enable/disable filtering
state: False
# Accepted values: 'gaussian'/'median'
type: gaussian
# sigma (gaussian) or disc radius (median)
filter_param: 1.0
# enable/disable UNet prediction
state: True
# key for H5 or ZARR, can be set to null if only one key exists in each file; null is recommended if the previous steps has state True
key: Null
# channel to use if input image has shape CZYX or CYX, otherwise set to null; null is recommended if the previous steps has state True
channel: Null
# Trained model name, more info on available models and custom models in the README
model_name: 'PlantSeg_3Dnuc_platinum'
# If a CUDA capable gpu is available and corrected setup use "cuda", if not you can use "cpu" for cpu only inference (slower)
device: 'cuda'
# (int or tuple) padding to be removed from each axis in a given patch in order to avoid checkerboard artifacts
patch_halo: [64, 64, 64]
# how many subprocesses to use for data loading
num_workers: 8
# patch size given to the network (adapt to fit in your GPU mem)
patch: [192, 256, 256]
# stride between patches will be computed as `stride_ratio * patch`
# recommended values are in range `[0.5, 0.75]` to make sure the patches have enough overlap to get smooth prediction maps
stride_ratio: 0.50
# If "True" forces downloading networks from the online repos
model_update: False
# enable/disable cnn post processing
state: True
# key for H5 or ZARR, can be set to null if only one key exists in each file; null is recommended if the previous steps has state True
key: Null
# channel to use if input image has shape CZYX or CYX, otherwise set to null; null is recommended if the previous steps has state True
channel: 1
# if True convert to result to tiff
tiff: True
# rescaling factor
factor: [1, 1, 1]
# spline order for rescaling
order: 2
# enable/disable segmentation
state: True
# key for H5 or ZARR, can be set to null if only one key exists in each file; null is recommended if the previous steps has state True
key: 'predictions'
# channel to use if prediction has shape CZYX or CYX, otherwise set to null; null is recommended if the previous steps has state True
channel: 1
# Name of the algorithm to use for inferences. Options: MultiCut, MutexWS, GASP, DtWatershed
name: 'GASP'
# Segmentation specific parameters here
# balance under-/over-segmentation; 0 - aim for undersegmentation, 1 - aim for oversegmentation. (Not active for DtWatershed)
beta: 0.5
# directory where to save the results
save_directory: 'GASP'
# enable/disable watershed
run_ws: True
# use 2D instead of 3D watershed
ws_2D: False
# probability maps threshold
ws_threshold: 0.4
# set the minimum superpixels size
ws_minsize: 50
# sigma for the gaussian smoothing of the distance transform
ws_sigma: 2.0
# sigma for the gaussian smoothing of boundary
ws_w_sigma: 0
# set the minimum segment size in the final segmentation. (Not active for DtWatershed)
post_minsize: 100
# enable/disable segmentation post processing
state: True
# key for H5 or ZARR, can be set to null if only one key exists in each file; null is recommended if the previous steps has state True
key: Null
# channel to use if input image has shape CZYX or CYX, otherwise set to null; null is recommended if the previous steps has state True
channel: Null
# if True convert to result to tiff
tiff: True
# rescaling factor
factor: [1, 1, 1]
# spline order for rescaling (keep 0 for segmentation post processing
order: 0
# save raw input in the output segmentation file h5 file
save_raw: False
plantseg --config CONFIG_PATH
where CONFIG_PATH is the path to the YAML configuration file. For example, if you want to use the model with the example configuration file configs/config_pred_wide_applicability.yaml
cd ovules-instance-segmentation/plantseg/
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 plantseg --config configs/train_and_infer.yml
If you need to specify a graphic card, for example to use the No. 7 card (the eighth), do:
If you have only one graphic card, use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0
to select the first card (No. 0).
If you find this work useful, please cite both papers:
@article {Vijayan2024.02.19.580954,
author = {Athul Vijayan and Tejasvinee Atul Mody and Qin Yu and Adrian Wolny and Lorenzo Cerrone and Soeren Strauss and Miltos Tsiantis and Richard S. Smith and Fred Hamprecht and Anna Kreshuk and Kay Schneitz},
title = {A deep learning-based toolkit for 3D nuclei segmentation and quantitative analysis in cellular and tissue context},
elocation-id = {2024.02.19.580954},
year = {2024},
doi = {10.1101/2024.02.19.580954},
publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory},
URL = {},
eprint = {},
journal = {bioRxiv}
title={Accurate and versatile 3D segmentation of plant tissues at cellular resolution},
author={Wolny, Adrian and Cerrone, Lorenzo and Vijayan, Athul and Tofanelli, Rachele and Barro, Amaya Vilches and Louveaux, Marion and Wenzl, Christian and Strauss, S{\"o}ren and Wilson-S{\'a}nchez, David and Lymbouridou, Rena and others},
publisher={eLife Sciences Publications Limited}
See PlantSeg's website for more details. The PlantSeg version v1.4.3 was used for testing, and PlantSeg v1.6.2 was released for this paper.