Clients can make a HTTP GET request to the server on (replace the IP and port with your own devlopment/production variables.)
Params aren't required for a request.Name | Details | Example |
id | Returns storms by depression ID. | 26L |
name | Returns storms by international WMO name. | Delta |
basin | Returns storms by their respective oceanic basin. | ATL |
All responeses will be in JSON format.
Name | Details |
last-updated | Date string (HH:MM:SS) of when the API was last updated. (UTC-0) |
storms | Returns a dictonary of dictionaries for each active storm. |
id | (Nested in storms response) Key is the depression ID of an active storm. Contains a dictionary of the values (basin, date, latitude, longitude, name, pressure, time, vmax1) |
1. Vmax is the maximum 1-minute sustained winds in knots.
Example API responseExample url to get all storms in the Atlantic basin:
A live api of all storms can be found at