minio-webhook listens for webhook events from MinIO server and logs the event to a log file.
minio-webhook <logfile>
Environment variables:
- MINIO_WEBHOOK_AUTH_TOKEN: Authorization token to be used by minio server for sending events
- MINIO_WEBHOOK_PORT: Listening port (Default 8080)
The minio-webhook service can be setup as a systemd service using the provided minio-webhook.service file
To send access/audit logs from MinIO server, please configure MinIO using the command:
mc admin config set myminio audit_webhook endpoint=http://webhookendpoint:8080 auth_token=webhooksecret
To send MinIO's error logs to minio-webhook, please configure MinIO using the command:
mc admin config set myminio logger_webhook endpoint=http://webhookendpoint:8081 auth_token=webhooksecret
Note: audit_webhook and logger_webhook should not be configured to send events to the same minio-webhook instance.
Logs can be rotated using the standard logrotate tool. You can provide the postrotate command such that minio-webhook writes to a new log file after log rotation.
systemctl reload minio-webhook