The goal of my project was to study the continuum between the island and the one-dimensional, circular stepping stone model concerning the expected mean coalescence time. To do this, I used the general migration model (which was derived in (Nagylaki, 1998, see: and adapted the migration rates. I did this by inducing a parameter a, which corresponds to the percentage of local migration in the model. When a is set to 0, then the migrants would - in the case of the island model - only go to d-3 out of d demes, because then two arbitrary demes and the focal deme are excluded from migration. In the cas eof the stepping stone model, the migrants would then only be going to the d-3 non-neighborung demes (as well excluding the focal deme).
The file "Formula" is a representation of this adapted formula together with the formulas for the expected mean coalescence time of the island model and the stepping stone model (which both can be found in (Slatkin, 1991, see:
"Code_msprime" works as follows: First of all, it is good to know that the goal was to compare the performance of the formulas for the expected mean coalescence time of the island model, the stepping stone model from before with the results for the expected mean coalescence time of the island model and the one-dimensional, circular stepping stone model according to the population genetics simulator msprime. (-> For the first steps with msprime, I used (amongst others): Kelleher, J., & Lohse, K. (2020). Coalescent simulation with msprime. Statistical Population Genomics, 191-230.) Therefore, I included the code for the formulas from the file "Formula" and added a code with msprime, which works as follows: A tuple named tmrca is created which will later contain the time to the mrca of each replicate. The demography of the respective model is created and then msprime is called to simulate num_replicate such coalescent trees with the respective demography. In order to do mimic randomness, it needs a random seed, which I, w.l.o.g., just set to 1. For each of these replicates, each pair of lineages is taken, first within each deme (to get te expected within-deme coalescence time) and then between demes (to get the expected between-deme cosalescence time). Then it returns the averaged mean of all these coalescence times that were obtained.
How can the code be used? Code_msprime and Formula can both be run by themselfes, which means they do not need to access files prepared by the user outside of the code.
In line 6-9 in Code_msprime and Formula, the user can decide which values the parameters should have:
-> d is the number of demes (subpopulations) that the considered population should have
-> a is the percentage of local migration, which is 2/(d-1) because in the one dimensional, circular Stepping Stone models the demes are arranged in a chain-like order. Therefore each deme has two neihboring demes and with the parameter a, we consider migration that goes to one of them. Apart from that the focal deme should be excluded from this, as individuals that stay in the focal deme do not migrate. Therefore we have d-1 possible demes, to which an individual in the focal deme could migrate. And we want the rate at which it migrates to the two neihboring demes. Therefore we get 2/(d-1)
-> N is the number of individuals per deme. I chose a total population size of 1000 and in the considered models (General migration model, Island model, Stepping Stone model) each deme contains equally many individuals. Therefore N=1000/d
-> in line 9 of Code_msprime the number of replicates can be chosen. It is the number of coalescence trees that will be simulated and evaluated conerning its mean coalescence time of its lineages. Later on, the average over the mean coalescence time of all the trees(replicates) is calculated and plotted. The higher this number, the more representative are the lines in the plot, that this Code gives us.
Apart from that, in line 118 (Code_msprime) and line 71 (Formula) the range of the migration rate m can be chosen, as well as the number of equidistant values that m should take. This will later represent the horizontal axis.
After the parameters are chosen the Code is ready to run and will give you a plot, where the expected mean coalescence times for the three models are shown.