- Fixes error thrown used with a system other than SWADE due to attempt to find a "favorited" hand from the SWADE system settings.
- Fixes duplicate Card Hands List app window when left or right A/V Dock is toggled.
- Fixes collapse/expand even listener getting dropped when app window is appended to Players List after A/V Dock is toggled.
- Fixes error thrown when the pinned hands flag hasn't been set for a user yet and trying to determine if a given hand is pinned.
- Adds improvements to retention of horizontal scroll positions within Hands.
- Improves UI and UX of horizontal scrolling within Hands.
- Massive code cleanup and improvements. If you happen to find any bugs, please file an issue.
- Adds retention of horizontal scroll positions when interacting with Cards and Hands.
- Consolidates Unset and Set Defaults context menu options into one. You can now choose "None" in the dialog to unset the defaults for a Hand.
- Very minor CSS tweaks/fixes.
- Adds horizontal scroll buttons to hands.
- Fixes spacing in Firefox.
- Adds verified support for Foundry VTT v12.
- Adds icon and tooltip to hand title to better indicate that clicking it opens the Card Hand Sheet.
- Adds horizontal scroll snapping to cards in hands.
- Adds enriched text in card tooltips for cards that have document links in their descriptions.
- For SWADE system: Separates pinning and favoriting behaviors. Now you can favorite a hand without it necessarily being pinned. This means you can still quickly access your favorite hand by pressing
on the keyboard without it having to be displayed in the collapsed list. You can still pin it if you want to include in the collapsed list.
- Minor CSS adjustments for context menu and height of cards.
- Overhauls Minimal UI support with new setting to select display behavior modes (autohide and always show).
- Fixes heights in both collapsed and expanded states.
- Adds Hand menu option for setting default deck to draw from and draw method.
- Changes "Flip All" to set all cards in the hand to the same face up/down state.
- Changes wrapper height to tightly fit 3 hands without scrolling.
- Fixes width when docked in camera dock.
- Fixes borders and shadows for non-rectangular cards.
- Removes forced aspect ratio.
- Adds a menu to each hand for Hand actions.
- Changes collapsed max-height to view one Hand at a time and expanded to three at a time.
- Adds scroll snap while scrolling through the list of Hands.
- Other minor UI improvements.
- Fixes display bug when Minimal UI is active but camera dock is present in left or right.
- Adds support for Minimal UI's display toggle (clicking the logo).
- Limits favorite option to owned Hands.
- Minor bug fix.
- Adds support for setting, changing, and unsetting the Favorite Cards Hand in the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE) system, which allows you to press
to open your favorite hand.
- Fixes error when Minimal UI isn't active.
- Fixes styles for all Minimal UI player list behavior options.
- Adds support for Minimal UI.
- Minor CSS bug fixes and tweaks.
- Adds context menu to hands (right-click on hand name).
- Configure Ownership
- Shuffle
- Flip all cards
- Pass (pass cards to another pile)
- Reset (sends all cards in hand back to original decks)
- Fixes previous version number in this changelog.
- Replaces solid cards icon with regular version.
- Favorited Hands are now pinned to the top of the expanded list.
- Favorites icon changed from star to pin.
- Removes recommendation of Monarch. (Foundry VTT's UX for this could use some improvement.)
- Updates this changelog to include the previous version's changes. (That's so meta.)
- Foundry VTT v10 is no longer supported.
- Lists owned Card Hands at top followed by observed hands.
- Uses state data for Card Documents (supported in v11 only) to for name, img, and text values.
- Changes to Card interactions:
- Left-click now opens the card image in an Image Popout.
- Right-click is now used to flip an individual card.
- Updates image used for Setup Screen Module Page and Compendium Folder banner.
- Rewrites module as a Foundry VTT Application.
- Adds Flip All Cards button for each Hand.
- Adds Shuffle Hand button for each Hand.
- Removes clicking on Cards to open the Hand.
- Changes right-click to flip a Card to left-click.
- Fixes mutliple UIs added when multiple Card Documents are updated at the same time.
- Fixes double insertion of UI in Foundry VTT v11 when the camera view is docked to the left or right.
- Adds thumbnail image for setup screen.
- Fixes UI getting added twice on renderCameraViews hook.
- Adds more conditionals for card tool tips to allow an Owner to see a value of a card while it's face down, but prevents Observers from seeing the value.
- Fixes bad manifest URL.
- Migrates repo and releases to GitHub.
- Adds template conditionals for displaying Card face and back content in the tooltip.
- Just some minor tweaks, simplifications, and optimizations behind the scenes.
- Fixes Card Hands List UI not being re-added to the camera dock if it's position was changed from top or bottom to left or right.
- Changes the color of the Card Hand name if the user owns it. The color changes for a GM Card Hand only if the Card Hand doesn't have player owners.
- Formal release
- Adds support for dragging and dropping to and from Cards sheets.
- Refreshes Cards Hands List when Card Hands are created or deleted.
Fixes issue with Alien RPG's override of the core concat
Handlebars helper breaking the translations in the template.
- Cards are now draggable for sorting and passing in the hands list
- Hidden state is reset on client reload
- Draw Card button added to each hand
- Hands now respect card sort order
- Adds card draw button to hands.
- A ton of cleanup and optimizations behind the scenes.
- Fixes favorites flag.
- Removes SWADE system requirement.
- Adds support for multiple favorites.
- Adds world setting to include hands with Observer-level ownership.
- Makes hands list scrollable to restrict height.
- Initial release