Contributors: cyclonecode
Donate link:
Tags: news, article, feed
Requires at least: 5.3
Tested up to: 6.6.1
Requires PHP: 7.4
Stable tag: 1.0.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
This plugin display a news feed fetched from
This plugin is developed by Cyclonecode and can be used to display a news feed fetched from
First you need to get an API key from by following the steps as described here: How to get the API key.
If you have questions or perhaps some idea on things that should be added you can also try slack.
The shortcode [newsdata-io] can either be used by adding it to the content field of any post or page or by using the do_shortcode function in one of your templates.
Shortcode attributes:
- size
Number of news. This value cannot be larger than 10 when using a free api key, otherwise the maximum is 50.
- q
Search news articles for specific keywords or phrases present in the news title, content, URL, meta keywords and meta description. This attribute cannot be combined with the qInMeta or qInTitle attributes.
- qInTitle
Search news articles for specific keywords or phrases present in the news titles only. This attribute cannot be combined with the q or qInMeta attributes.
- qInMeta
Search news articles for specific keywords or phrases present in the news titles, URL, meta keywords and meta description only. This attribute cannot be combined with the q or qInTitle attributes.
- country
Search the news articles from a specific country. You can add up to 5 countries in a single query.
- category
Search the news articles for a specific category. You can add up to 5 categories in a single query.
- excludeCategory
You can exclude specific categories to search for news articles. You can exclude up to 5 categories in a single query.
- language
Search the news articles for a specific language. You can add up to 5 languages in a single query.
- domain
Search the news articles for specific domains or news sources. You can add up to 5 domains in a single query.
- excludeDomain
You can exclude specific domains or news sources to search the news articles. You can exclude up to 5 domains in a single query.
- domainUrl
Search the news articles for specific domains or news sources. You can add up to 5 domains in a single query.
- priorityDomain
Search the news articles only from top news domains. Valid values are top, medium and low.
- image
Only fetch news articles with or without an image.
- video
Only fetch news articles with or without a video.
Here is an example using all of the above attributes (notice that some of the attributes cannot be combined; this is just an example):
[newsdata-io size=5 q="Donald" qInTitle="Trump" qInMeta="Donald duck" country="us,gb,dk" category="sports,technology" excludeCategory="crime,domestic" language="sv,en" domain="bbc" excludeDomain="example" domainUrl="" priorityDomain="top" image=1 video=0]
Crypto Attributes
In order to use the following attributes you will need to have a premium key to access the api.
- coin
Search the news articles for specific crypto coins using their short forms only. You can add up to 5 coins in a single query.
- tag
Search the news articles for specific Crypto AI-classified tags. You can add up to 5 tags in a single query.
- sentiment
Search the news articles based on the sentiment of the news article (positive, negative, neutral).
News Archive Attributes
In order to use the following attributes you will need to have a premium key to access the api.
- from_date
Use from_date filter to get news data from a particular date in the past.
- to_date
This filter is used to set an end date for the search result.
Notice that all shortcode attributes are optional and that they must be on a single line. Default values is taken from the plugins settings page.
If you have any ideas for improvements, don't hesitate to email me at or send me a message on slack.
If you run into any trouble, don’t hesitate to add a new topic under the support section:
You can also try contacting me on slack.
- Upload newsdata-io to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory,
- Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
- Add your Api Key and configure the plugin at /wp-admin/admin.php?page=newsdata-io in WordPress.
- You can then add a shortcode in order to display the news listing.
[missing image]