Small games to play in the terminal. The games are build for fun little side projects, don't expect compatiblety or settings and options or save games.
- Shell prompt with curses (Linux/Mac/Windows Bash)
- Python 3
Clone the repository or download the game file, run script directly or call it by python3.
The old simple Snake game, you have 3 lives to get the highest score. You control the snake by the arrow keys or with hjkl.
Game where you play against the computer to get the most colored tiles. You conquer a tile by picking a color that is adjacent to your current tiles.
- 2-4 players
- Rolls form highest to greatest for the order of playing (precalculates before game starts)
- You can either decide on your turn to keep rolling or to cash in the points you earned during your turn to your score
- If you roll a 1 you get nothing added to your score and your turn ends
- If you roll 2-6 it will be added to the turn score which can be added to your score if you choose to put your turn on hold
- Get to 100 points in total to win
Contribution is always welcome, just create a pull request.