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krzysztofzablocki authored Oct 11, 2023
1 parent 2d5d087 commit 51a9698
Showing 1 changed file with 7 additions and 0 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -243,6 +243,13 @@ To clarify what is expected of our community, Sourcery has adopted the code of c

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<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1200" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 900 209.999996" height="280" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><path fill="#4e4833" d="M 59.578125 80.644531 C 46.0625 80.644531 33.609375 87.773438 28 97.832031 L 28 44.007812 C 27.894531 41.652344 26.894531 39.40625 25.1875 37.777344 C 23.480469 36.152344 21.222656 35.230469 18.875 35.230469 C 16.53125 35.230469 14.25 36.152344 12.566406 37.777344 C 10.859375 39.40625 9.855469 41.652344 9.75 44.007812 L 9.75 163.8125 C 9.855469 166.164062 10.859375 168.414062 12.566406 170.039062 C 14.269531 171.664062 16.53125 172.585938 18.875 172.585938 C 21.222656 172.585938 23.503906 171.664062 25.1875 170.039062 C 26.894531 168.414062 27.894531 166.164062 28 163.8125 L 28 155.785156 C 33.160156 165.910156 46.082031 172.972656 59.578125 172.972656 C 82.394531 172.972656 102.753906 154.480469 102.753906 126.808594 C 102.753906 99.136719 82.457031 80.644531 59.578125 80.644531 Z M 56.59375 156.683594 C 42.203125 156.683594 28 145.234375 28 126.742188 C 27.894531 122.890625 28.578125 119.0625 29.964844 115.464844 C 31.347656 111.871094 33.4375 108.59375 36.105469 105.8125 C 38.769531 103.03125 41.945312 100.828125 45.484375 99.308594 C 49.003906 97.789062 52.800781 96.976562 56.636719 96.929688 C 72.605469 96.929688 85.078125 108.550781 85.078125 126.871094 C 85.078125 145.191406 72.628906 156.8125 56.636719 156.8125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#4e4833" d="M 422.324219 80.644531 C 408.808594 80.644531 396.375 87.769531 390.746094 97.828125 L 390.746094 44.003906 C 390.746094 41.585938 389.789062 39.253906 388.082031 37.519531 C 386.375 35.808594 384.050781 34.84375 381.621094 34.84375 C 379.191406 34.84375 376.886719 35.808594 375.160156 37.519531 C 373.457031 39.234375 372.496094 41.566406 372.496094 44.003906 L 372.496094 163.8125 C 372.496094 166.25 373.457031 168.5625 375.160156 170.296875 C 376.867188 172.027344 379.191406 172.96875 381.621094 172.96875 C 384.050781 172.96875 386.355469 172.007812 388.082031 170.296875 C 389.789062 168.582031 390.746094 166.25 390.746094 163.8125 L 390.746094 155.785156 C 395.90625 165.90625 408.828125 172.96875 422.324219 172.96875 C 445.136719 172.96875 465.5 154.480469 465.5 126.808594 C 465.5 99.136719 445.136719 80.644531 422.324219 80.644531 Z M 419.339844 156.683594 C 404.945312 156.683594 390.726562 145.234375 390.726562 126.742188 C 390.640625 122.890625 391.300781 119.058594 392.6875 115.484375 C 394.074219 111.890625 396.164062 108.617188 398.828125 105.855469 C 401.492188 103.074219 404.671875 100.867188 408.1875 99.347656 C 411.707031 97.828125 415.5 97.015625 419.339844 96.953125 C 435.308594 96.953125 447.761719 108.574219 447.761719 126.894531 C 447.761719 145.210938 435.308594 156.832031 419.339844 156.832031 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#4e4833" d="M 189.382812 83.105469 C 186.976562 83.105469 184.652344 84.070312 182.945312 85.800781 C 181.238281 87.515625 180.28125 89.847656 180.257812 92.265625 L 180.257812 123.363281 C 180.257812 145.382812 170.089844 155.957031 154.4375 155.957031 C 141.796875 155.957031 133.542969 146.261719 133.542969 132.007812 L 133.542969 92.265625 C 133.542969 89.847656 132.582031 87.515625 130.878906 85.78125 C 129.171875 84.070312 126.847656 83.105469 124.417969 83.105469 C 121.988281 83.105469 119.683594 84.070312 117.957031 85.78125 C 116.25 87.492188 115.292969 89.828125 115.292969 92.265625 L 115.292969 135.796875 C 115.292969 157.820312 129.171875 172.96875 150.21875 172.96875 C 163.03125 172.96875 175.632812 165.800781 180.214844 155.785156 L 180.214844 163.8125 C 180.324219 166.164062 181.324219 168.410156 183.03125 170.039062 C 184.734375 171.664062 186.996094 172.585938 189.34375 172.585938 C 191.6875 172.585938 193.96875 171.664062 195.675781 170.039062 C 197.378906 168.410156 198.382812 166.164062 198.488281 163.8125 L 198.488281 92.265625 C 198.488281 89.828125 197.53125 87.515625 195.800781 85.78125 C 194.074219 84.070312 191.773438 83.105469 189.34375 83.105469 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#4e4833" d="M 323.070312 80.644531 C 308.679688 80.644531 296.867188 86.722656 290.597656 98.171875 C 285.78125 87.472656 274.117188 80.644531 261.644531 80.644531 C 255.886719 80.773438 250.28125 82.421875 245.398438 85.4375 C 240.492188 88.457031 236.484375 92.714844 233.753906 97.808594 L 233.753906 92.289062 C 233.648438 89.933594 232.644531 87.6875 230.941406 86.058594 C 229.234375 84.433594 226.976562 83.511719 224.628906 83.511719 C 222.285156 83.511719 220.003906 84.433594 218.296875 86.058594 C 216.589844 87.6875 215.589844 89.933594 215.484375 92.289062 L 215.484375 163.8125 C 215.589844 166.164062 216.589844 168.414062 218.296875 170.039062 C 220.003906 171.664062 222.261719 172.585938 224.628906 172.585938 C 226.996094 172.585938 229.257812 171.664062 230.941406 170.039062 C 232.644531 168.414062 233.648438 166.164062 233.753906 163.8125 L 233.753906 127.148438 C 233.753906 107.589844 242.878906 97.550781 256.910156 97.550781 C 268.148438 97.550781 276.570312 105.664062 276.570312 118.503906 L 276.652344 163.789062 C 276.761719 166.144531 277.761719 168.390625 279.46875 170.015625 C 281.175781 171.644531 283.433594 172.5625 285.800781 172.5625 C 288.167969 172.5625 290.429688 171.644531 292.113281 170.015625 C 293.816406 168.390625 294.820312 166.144531 294.925781 163.789062 L 294.839844 127.128906 C 294.839844 107.566406 304.136719 97.53125 318.359375 97.53125 C 329.574219 97.53125 338.019531 105.640625 338.019531 118.484375 L 337.824219 163.769531 C 337.933594 166.121094 338.933594 168.371094 340.640625 169.996094 C 342.347656 171.621094 344.605469 172.542969 346.953125 172.542969 C 349.296875 172.542969 351.578125 171.621094 353.285156 169.996094 C 354.988281 168.371094 355.992188 166.121094 356.097656 163.769531 L 356.097656 114.78125 C 356.097656 94.191406 341.171875 80.601562 323.09375 80.601562 Z M 323.070312 80.644531 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#4e4833" d="M 519.8125 161.585938 C 519.339844 159.53125 518.082031 157.753906 516.335938 156.597656 C 514.585938 155.441406 512.449219 155.015625 510.382812 155.398438 C 509.363281 155.570312 508.339844 155.679688 507.3125 155.679688 C 500.660156 155.679688 496.097656 151.460938 496.097656 145.46875 L 496.097656 44.003906 C 496.097656 41.585938 495.140625 39.253906 493.433594 37.519531 C 491.730469 35.808594 489.402344 34.84375 486.976562 34.84375 C 484.542969 34.84375 482.242188 35.808594 480.511719 37.519531 C 478.8125 39.234375 477.847656 41.566406 477.847656 44.003906 L 477.847656 146.367188 C 477.828125 153.367188 480.558594 160.066406 485.441406 165.050781 C 490.324219 170.039062 496.976562 172.882812 503.925781 172.96875 C 507.484375 173.035156 511.027344 172.519531 514.433594 171.472656 C 516.375 170.851562 518.015625 169.523438 519.019531 167.726562 C 520.023438 165.949219 520.320312 163.851562 519.875 161.863281 L 519.8125 161.605469 Z M 519.8125 161.585938 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#4e4833" d="M 609.761719 125.867188 C 608.355469 112.832031 601.34375 80.644531 566.609375 80.644531 C 542.046875 80.644531 521.515625 99.15625 521.515625 126.976562 C 521.515625 154.800781 542.171875 172.96875 565.90625 172.96875 C 581.046875 172.96875 593.792969 167.339844 602.046875 156.105469 C 602.683594 155.226562 603.132812 154.246094 603.390625 153.214844 C 603.644531 152.167969 603.6875 151.078125 603.515625 150.027344 C 603.34375 148.957031 602.984375 147.953125 602.429688 147.03125 C 601.875 146.113281 601.148438 145.320312 600.273438 144.675781 C 599.402344 144.035156 598.421875 143.585938 597.398438 143.328125 C 596.355469 143.074219 595.261719 143.03125 594.222656 143.179688 C 593.15625 143.351562 592.152344 143.714844 591.234375 144.269531 C 590.320312 144.828125 589.507812 145.554688 588.886719 146.433594 C 582.769531 155.078125 574.28125 157.132812 565.90625 157.132812 C 553.09375 157.132812 541.339844 147.460938 539.59375 131.214844 L 605.007812 131.214844 C 605.6875 131.214844 606.355469 131.066406 606.96875 130.789062 C 607.589844 130.511719 608.144531 130.101562 608.59375 129.609375 C 609.035156 129.097656 609.378906 128.519531 609.589844 127.855469 C 609.808594 127.191406 609.867188 126.527344 609.785156 125.84375 L 609.785156 125.886719 Z M 540.105469 118.140625 C 541.386719 112.0625 544.710938 106.625 549.550781 102.75 C 554.394531 98.878906 560.425781 96.824219 566.609375 96.953125 C 578.527344 96.953125 588.550781 103.992188 591.34375 118.269531 Z M 540.105469 118.140625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#4e4833" d="M 666.289062 60.828125 C 666.289062 67.460938 661.28125 72.296875 654.5 72.296875 C 647.722656 72.296875 642.539062 67.460938 642.539062 60.828125 C 642.539062 54.558594 647.550781 49.164062 654.5 49.164062 C 661.449219 49.164062 666.289062 54.535156 666.289062 60.828125 Z M 645.226562 163.769531 L 645.226562 93.230469 C 645.226562 88.15625 649.339844 84.027344 654.394531 84.027344 C 659.59375 84.027344 663.796875 88.265625 663.796875 93.464844 L 663.796875 163.511719 C 663.796875 168.734375 659.570312 172.949219 654.394531 172.949219 C 649.339844 172.949219 645.226562 168.839844 645.226562 163.746094 Z M 645.226562 163.769531 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#4e4833" d="M 764.6875 119.167969 L 764.6875 163.511719 C 764.6875 168.710938 760.488281 172.949219 755.289062 172.949219 C 750.128906 172.949219 745.925781 168.753906 745.925781 163.554688 L 745.925781 122.933594 C 745.925781 108.402344 737.523438 98.730469 724.839844 98.730469 C 708.933594 98.730469 698.402344 109.496094 698.402344 131.902344 L 698.402344 163.53125 C 698.402344 168.734375 694.199219 172.949219 689.015625 172.949219 C 683.945312 172.949219 679.832031 168.820312 679.832031 163.726562 L 679.832031 93.25 C 679.832031 88.15625 683.945312 84.027344 689.015625 84.027344 C 694.199219 84.027344 698.402344 88.242188 698.402344 93.445312 L 698.402344 94.960938 C 705.546875 86.359375 715.90625 81.523438 729.125 81.523438 C 750.382812 81.523438 764.667969 96.933594 764.667969 119.167969 Z M 764.6875 119.167969 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#4e4833" d="M 854.855469 139.734375 C 860.398438 141.191406 863.257812 147.566406 860.335938 152.511719 C 852.832031 165.265625 838.375 172.972656 822.214844 172.972656 C 797.398438 172.972656 776.417969 154.542969 776.417969 127 C 776.417969 99.457031 797.398438 81.03125 822.214844 81.03125 C 838.054688 81.03125 852.40625 88.84375 860.1875 101.660156 C 863.085938 106.457031 860.488281 112.726562 855.109375 114.289062 L 854.367188 114.503906 C 850.464844 115.636719 846.457031 113.730469 844.496094 110.136719 C 839.910156 101.789062 831.574219 97.851562 822.214844 97.851562 C 806.140625 97.851562 794.238281 109.792969 794.238281 126.980469 C 794.238281 144.164062 806.117188 156.105469 822.214844 156.105469 C 831.703125 156.105469 839.996094 152.320312 844.984375 143.949219 C 847.035156 140.503906 850.976562 138.707031 854.832031 139.710938 Z M 854.855469 139.734375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#4e4833" d="M 893.855469 161.476562 C 893.855469 167.941406 889.035156 172.949219 882.234375 172.949219 C 875.429688 172.949219 870.441406 167.917969 870.441406 161.476562 C 870.441406 155.378906 875.453125 150.175781 882.234375 150.175781 C 889.011719 150.175781 893.855469 155.378906 893.855469 161.476562 Z M 893.855469 161.476562 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>](


## License

Sourcery is available under the MIT license. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more information.
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