Boot Urbit Comets & Planets into orbit on utilising the lebensraum of SWAP SPACE to map 2048MB needed for swallowing the bootpill
You will need the flyctl CLI utility.
Just Fly launch, its that ez
flyctl launch
Place your planet keys at the root directory & set your planet's name as $PLANET
env variable
You can set variables either in the .toml file or through the fly secrets
flyctl secrets set PLANET=sampel-palnet
flyctl launch
Place your planet folder at root directory & set your planet's name as $PLANET
env variable
You can set variables either in the .toml file or through the fly secrets
flyctl secrets set PLANET=sampel-palnet # or set in fly.toml
fly deploy --strategy immediate
First boot takes a while, recommended to maintain either volume or regularly backup snapshots in pier
fly logs