An example Docker image creation from scratch.
Follow the procedure here to install docker-machine. Machine let's you start virtual hosts using virtual-box (in our case) and run docker on it.
Note: you can run the following natively too. I'm using a virtual host to keep the dev env isolated.
Get some help using :
$ docker-machine --help
Let's create a machine (virtual host). Ensure virtual-box is installed and running on your local machine.
$ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox dev
$ docker-machine env dev (shows the new VM env configuration)
# Copy the project's Dockerfile | package.json | server.js files into the VM.
$ docker-machine scp -r . dev:/home/docker/
$ docker-machine ssh dev (to login into the new VM)
$ docker-machine start dev (start the VM)
$ docker-machine stop dev (stop the VM)
$ docker-machine ls (show list of VMs)
$ docker-machine kill dev (kill the VM)
$ docker-machine rm dev (to remove the VM completely)
Once you have ssh into dev
VM which is a boot2docker image. You should see that docker
is pre-installed on it. You are ready to start off.
$ docker build -t ksck23/node .
$ docker run -it --rm --name app ksck23/node