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ksherlock edited this page Feb 13, 2017 · 2 revisions

$E6 GLOBAL - followed by a LABLEN byte label whose value is set to the current location counter. The name is followed by three fields.

The first field is the length attribute; it is a one-byte value in OMF versions 0 and 1, and a two-byte value in OMF version 2. If the value exceeds 255 in OMF version 0 or 1, or 65535 in OMF version 2, the value is set to 255 or 65535, respectively. This value indicates a field overflow.

The second value is a one-byte value. It is the type attribute for the label, and corresponds exactly to the type attribute used by the assembler.

The last field is a one-byte private flag, which indicates if the name is visible outside of the object module in which it appears (the value is zero) or only in the object file (the value is one).

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