This is a simple Objective-C formatter that uses libphonenumber and JavaScriptCore to format phone numbers.
libphonenumberFormatter *formatter = [[libphonenumberFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setCountryCode:@"US"];
[formatter setAlwaysUseInternationalFormat:YES];
NSLog(@"%@", [formatter stringForObjectValue:@"3151234567"]);
+1 315-123-4567
This uses JavaScriptCore to run libphonenumber so it is currently Mac-only. JavaScriptCore is not public on iOS so you'll need to evaluate everything in a UIWebView or supply your own version of JavaScriptCore to use this on iOS.
Run the included script to download and compile the latest versions of libphonenumber and closure-library:
bash libphonenumber_build
This will create a single JavaScript file libphonenumber.js in your current directory.
Contains a compiled version of libphonenumber ( and parts of closure-library (