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File metadata and controls

147 lines (129 loc) · 4.53 KB




Upload the files generated by web pack to the cloud to improve the loading speed
Currently, Alibaba cloud, Huawei cloud, Tencent cloud, qiniu cloud and remake cloud, as well as user-defined extensions are supported.


npm install next-hsuc --save-dev



Node.js >= 10.10.0


package.json add script

// cross-env needs to be installed first, npm install cross-env --save-dev

"dev": "cross-env PORT=80 PROXY=true node server.js",
"build": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production next build",
"start": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production PORT=80 PROXY=true node server.js"

server.js You can use your own. This is just an example

const express = require(`express`);
const next = require(`next`);
const { NODE_ENV, PORT=3000, PROXY } = process.env;
const app = next({dir: `.`, dev: NODE_ENV !== "production"});

  .then(() => {
    const server = express();

    server.listen(PORT, (err) => {
      if (err) {
        throw err
      console.log(`> Ready on port ${PORT} [${NODE_ENV}]`);
  .catch((ex) => {
    console.log(`An error occurred, unable to start the server`)


// webpack.config.js
const withPlugins = require ("next-compose-plugins");
const {PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER} = require(`next-server/constants`);
const Hsuc = require(`hsuc`);
const HsucOptions = {
    cloudFolder: "<Cloud folder>",
    domain: "<domain name>",
    enable: true,
    // Alicloud (Choose one)
    aliyun: {
      region: "<OSS region>",
      accessKeyId: "<Your accessKeyId>",
      accessKeySecret: "<Your accessKeySecret>",
      bucket: "<Your bucket name>"
    // Hua Weiyun (Choose one)
    huawei: {
      accessKeyId: "<Provide your Access Key>",
      secretAccessKey: "<Provide your Secret Key>",
      server: "<https://your-endpoint>",
      bucket: "<Bucket>"
    // Tencent cloud (Choose one)
    tencent: {
      secretId: "<SecretId>",
      secretKey: "<SecretKey>",
      bucket: "<Bucket>",
      region: "<Region>"
    // Qiniu cloud (Choose one)
    qiniu: {
      accessKey: "<ACCESS_KEY>",
      secretKey: "<SECRET_KEY>",
      bucket: "<Bucket>"
    // Clapping clouds again (Choose one)
    upyun: {
      serviceName: "<service name>",
      operatorName: "<operator name>",
      operatorPassword: "<operator password>",

const nextConfig = {
  webpack: (config, options) => {
      new Hsuc(Object.assign(HsucOptions, options))

    return config;
  distDir: "_next",
  ["!" + (HsucOptions.enable ? PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER : "")]: {
    assetPrefix: `${HsucOptions.domain}/${HsucOptions.cloudFolder}`,

module.exports = withPlugins(

hsuc(options) supported options

  • aliyun - Initialize alicloud OSS parameters
  • huawei - Initialize Huawei cloud OBS parameters.
  • tencent - Initialize Tencent cloud cos parameters.
  • qiniu - Initialize the Qiniu cloud parameter.
  • upyun - Initialize the re shooting cloud parameter.
  • enable[boolean] - Enable at the beginning, defaulttrue
  • removePrevVersion[boolean] - Delete previous versions of cloud or not, defaultfalse
  • log[boolean] - Display log, defaulttrue
  • cover[boolean|RegExp] - Overwrite file, defaultfalse. Please refer to/\.(png|jpe?g|gif|ico|woff2?|svg|ttf|eot)$/
  • custom[js文件,例如require("./template.js")] - User defined upload file, you can refer to the template.js in the project

Object store CORS rule settings

  • aliyun Set according to CORS
  • huawei Set according to CORS
  • tencent Set according to CORS
  • qiniu Set according to CORS
  • upyun Set according to CORS

matters needing attention

  • Please set the cloud access to "public read / write" or "public read"
  • In the options parameter, aliyun, huawei, tencent, qiniu and upyun are configured at the same time, only the first one is valid
  • The plug-in is disabled in development mode
  • options.deletePrevBuildFile Enabling this item will delete the previous version. Please be careful.


npm run build
mpm run start