OLE Regression Testing Suite Kuali OLE
This is a regression testing suite for the Kuali Open Library Environment (OLE) project.
To keep this testing suite adaptable and flexible, reusable code modules are currently being stored in lib/module/, and basic namespacing and reusable constants are stored in lib/ole_regress/, loaded by lib/ole-regress.rb.
Currently, RSpec is being used to handle test execution and expectation building. Each directory under spec/ represents an OLE functional module, and each contains a shared.rb file for shared context definitions particular to that module. There is also a shared.rb in spec/ for globally shared context definitions. There is a base specs folder for basic specs used to ensure that the regression suite can perform basic tasks like starting an OLE QA Framework session.
git clone https://github.com/jkwaldrip/ole-regress.git
cd ole-regress
bundle install
To run the full suite of regression tests, use:
To run the full suite of regression tests across multiple browsers with a SauceLabs connection, edit config/sauce.yml to enter your SauceLabs configuration information (e.g., username, API key, browser and OS versions to use), then run:
To rerun a failed spec against a single browser in SauceLabs, use:
./bin/xrerun path/to/spec.rb browser
To run the performance profiler, which performs a series of tests and records their run times in a CSV file, use: