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Releases: kuali/research-coi


06 Jan 22:31
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  • The COI reporter's main menu now uses the wording "Create" (instead of "Update") Disclosure when the user has not yet created a disclosure in the system.
  • Added the ability for COI Admins and Reviewers to set dispositions in bulk.
  • Provided a way to order relationship matrix values in COI Configuration.

Issue Fixed:

  • When preparing their disclosure on an iPad using Safari, Reporter could submit a COI disclosure with only one question answered.


30 Nov 21:43
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  • Display Description instead of Role ID in Project Declarations in COI disclosures and in COI Notifications

Issues Fixed:

  • While editing a Financial Entity, changed answers to Financial Entity questions not saving
  • Unable to delete attachment while editing a Financial Entity
  • On revised disclosure disclosure that had a travel log financial entity added, get path=/api/coi/entities/32/name, method=PUT, Error: update fin_entity
  • On Requires Review disclosure, new travel log should be highlighted as needing attention
  • COI providing incorrect status for Project Status display in monolith in some scenarios
  • Approval Notification repeating project in {{PROJECT_INFORMATION}} variable for each financial entity
  • Inactive Financial Entity triggering “Update Needed” Annual status when "Do not require researchers with no entities to update their annual disclosure when they have a new project." is enabled
  • Error on disclosure review: cannot GET /api/coi/archived-config/null (500) when when viewing a submitted disclosure both as the reporter and as coi admin in a clean install of COI when disclosure was started before Disclosure Requirements were configured
  • Use displayName instead of name for users in COI to prevent cases where null was being used for submitter of a disclosure, which would result in the 'Error: invalid user id...' in the logs and a blank Admin page


28 Oct 20:11
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  • Added new notification to reporter when a new project requires creation of an annual disclosure. This allows the COI Admin use different wording in ‘new project’ notifications based on whether the researcher has an existing disclosure or needs to create a disclosure for the first time.
  • Reporter can edit the name of a financial entity. Previously, this was not editable after it was added.
  • Admin filter on Status now includes new "Returned” status
  • Renamed database table “comment” to “review-comment”

Issues Fixed:

  • Revise without changing data appearing like a change was made
  • Projects that do not require disclosure being pulled into disclosures needing revision
  • Cannot unassign a reviewer who has been re-assigned
  • Remove reviewer action completely deleting reviewer from past review of the disclosure when really they should just be unassigned
  • New project notifications being sent to reporter with approved disclosure without financial entities, when configuration is set to not require update if reporter has no entities
  • Notification for new project needing update not being sent when status change of project should trigger the email
  • Notification for new project needing update being sent each time project saved
  • Projects not included in the approved disclosure getting listed in approval notification


30 Sep 21:19
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  • Reporter can revise other sections in a Sent Back disclosure
  • Admin can Return disclosure to have reporter start over if they do not have financial entities (FEs)
  • New notification for Return to Reporter
  • Send notification when new project requires an annual disclosure and reporter does not have an existing disclosure in COI
  • Send notify reporter when a new project’s creation needs to be declared regardless of status of their disclosure
  • Do not send new project notification to researchers without FEs when "Do not require researchers with no entities to update their annual disclosure when they have a new project" is enabled

Issues Fixed:

  • When revising a disclosure, if the reporter revises a question that triggers a subquestion, an error results
  • When revising a disclosure, a reporter could resubmit before addressing a review on a project declaration
  • Changes in disclosure configurations incorrectly being applied to disclosures requiring revisions
  • Multiple new projects notifications sent to the same recipient for the same project
  • Not having disposition types configured causes approval notifications to fail when trying to pull the project information
  • New project notifications not being sent on project submission when submitted status is a disclosure requirement
  • Notify an additional reviewer when they are assigned a disclosure to review not being sent when reviewer is re-assigned
  • Change in COI Due Date in configuration not getting applied to approved disclosures
  • Reviewer filter in Admin Dashboard not using suggestions
  • Resubmitted Date not displaying on screen or in resubmit notification
  • Error in logs when project push has projects without sponsors
  • When configuration set to not require researchers without entities to update, on approval, disclosure with no FEs changed to Needs Updates when reporter added to project while their disclosure is in review/revise stage
  • When configuration set to not require researchers without entities to update, on approval, disclosure with FEs has Up to Date status when reporter added to project while their disclosure was submitted
  • Project Disposition is not displaying in Approval email when Project Information Variable is being used and only the 'COI Admin can set Project Disposition' flag is set in Disposition configuration

Generally Available Features formerly behind a feature flag:

  • Ability to filter admin list view whether a disclose is with an assigned reviewer
  • Approved and Archived Disclosures for Admins
  • Filter for disclosures assigned to reviewers


26 Aug 20:39
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  • UI Adjustment: Display "No Projects to Disclose" when the Reporter has no projects
  • UI adjustment: Display of Finanical Entity and Project Declarations sections even when there aren't any in a disclosure
  • Changed Financial Entity icon to avoid confusion by researchers
  • Ability to include Project information and Dispositions in Annual approval email

Issues Fixed:

  • Project view in Project Declarations asks for relationship declarations when there is no active FE
  • Reviewer should not see "Previous Versions" on assigned disclosures
  • Show/Hide from Reporter does not work in the aggregate view of review comments. This view of comments should be read-only
  • Cannot read property 'firstName' of undefined at Object.getDisclosureVariables
  • Multi-selection questionnaire answers often don't format correctly. Revising doesn’t work well either, especially with a minimum number of selections.
  • Project data not displayed on a disclosure which is sent back and the user cannot tell which project comment relates to when revising or responding in Project Declaration
  • Consistent approach to using DB transactions with Knex/Express
  • Clean up DB layer by using async/await
  • Error on disclosure approval
  • COI searches are case sensitive in Oracle
  • Disposition type description is too long error
  • LOB already opened in the same transaction
  • Submitted date updating when it should not
  • General Attachment not displayed in reporters' view of a Submitted disclosure
  • COI Reviewer unassigned notifications not being recevied

In-progress features behind a Feature Flag:

  • Ability to filter admin list view whether a disclose is with an assigned reviewer
  • Approved and Archived Disclosures for Admins
  • Filter for disclosures assigned to reviewers


29 Jul 22:14
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Issues Fixed:

  • Internet Explorer and MS Edge rendering fixed
  • IE: Sign out is hidden by instructions
  • Reviewer should not see filters for Reviewer and Review Status
  • Reviewer Recommended Relationships determinations should not be seen by the reporter
  • "Previous Versions:" label appears in non-test lane even though it is part of a feature that is behind a feature flag
  • Reporter revise and respond not reset after sent back again
  • 500 error when Admin changes FE-Project determination to SELECT (none) in an updated disclosure
  • Validations on Travel relationship in Financial Entity are not displayed when user added invalid data
  • COI reviewer gets 403 error message with view disclosure and view disclosure archives
  • Management Plan is not viewable in Archived disclosure for Admin
  • In Sent Back disclosure, Reporter response is recorded as a Reporter comment when user clicks done rather than on submit of revised disclosure
  • Old project appearing in Submitted disclosure
  • COI version number is not displaying
  • COI disclosure status is not picking up when an FE has been inactivated when config set to not to require update if reporter has no entities


  • Ability for Reporter to see previous responses after disclosure sent back and resubmitted multiple times
  • Filter for disclosures assigned to reviewers
  • Approved and Archived Disclosures for Admins
  • Allow Admin to set the reviewer's comment as visible to the Reporter

Other improvements:

  • Increase character length of disposition field

In-progress features behind a Feature Flag:

  • Ability to filter admin list view whether a disclose is with an assigned reviewer
  • Approved and Archived Disclosures for Admins
  • Filter for disclosures assigned to reviewers


30 Jun 22:02
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Issues Fixed:

  • 500 error when trying to save configuration after adding disposition that is greater than 50 characters
  • Several buttons on formatting editor grayed out even though they are active
  • Correct disposition not displaying in projects in the Kuali monolith modules
  • Disposition filter is treating all disclosures as "No Disposition"
  • Project and FE-project disposition not displaying in archived disclosure after approval
  • Review Assigned email not getting sent when the disclosure is auto-assigned to reviewers
  • On update of an Update-to-Date disclosure after auto-approval, previous answers to questions displayed and the certification was checked even though they should not
  • Reviewer could see other reviewer's comment
  • When removing an additional reviewer the other (still assigned) reviewer was removed from the screen initially
  • 403 Error when reviewer attempts to filter by Submitted By in Review list
  • Warning message for disclosure update not appearing on COI dashboard when Configuration Option "Do not require researchers with no entities to update their annual disclosure" is enabled
  • Client error thrown when no sponsor is on a project
  • Scheduled job for expired disclosures failing with oracle error


  • Reporter's previous responses in a Sent Back/Resubmitted disclosure are displayed to the COI admin and reviewers
  • If a protocol has multiple sponsors, all are now being displayed in the protocol in Project Declarations
  • Reporter can view disclosure that is submitted for review
  • Reviewer name rather than the Reporter name had been appearing in the Needs Review list on the Reviewer’s dashboard
  • Ability to add Data Variable for Annual Disposition in Approval Notification
  • COI Admin can view reviewer-recommended dispositions after disclosure is approved
  • On auto-assign of COI reviewer, system will not assign reviewer if the COI reviewer is the same as the reporter
  • First iteration of ability for COI Admin to set Reviewer's comment as visible to reporter

Other improvements:

  • Adjustment to the user interface so that the COI Review comment panel better aligns with the section where the comment applies
  • Display of impersonated user in COI for upcoming core auth impersonation feature

In-progress features behind a Feature Flag:

  • Ability to filter admin list view whether a disclose is with an assigned reviewer


27 May 19:44
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  • Fixed issue when adding a parent and child screening question at the same time.
  • Fixed issue when adding new projects due to passing dates as strings to an oracle database and getting ORA-01843: not a valid month error.
  • Fixed issue when updating projects that would cause the disclosure status to change to 'Update Needed' on projects that had already been disclosed.
  • Fixed multiple ORA-01008: not all variables bound errors when attempting to insert rows into an oracle database.
  • Fixed issue where additional reviewer search would not show up even if there were valid additional reviewers in the system.


  • Updated review comment headers to display more info about the section being commented on.
  • Cleaned up the UI for reviewers.
  • Display the application build version on the about page.
  • Refactored configuration code to improve robustness when multiple configurations are being used simultaneously

Generally Available Features

  • Added ability for reviewers to provide recommended project level dispositions during their review.
  • Added ability for admins to view all reviewers' recommened project level dispositions.
  • Ability to configure and send the email notifications to COI Admin when a disclosure is resubmitted by a reporter

Generally Available Features (formerly behind a feature flag)

  • Ability to reassign additional reviewers.
  • Ability to configure and assign project level dispositions to submitted disclosures.
  • System will set disclosure level disposition that is the highest risk disposition type of all the project dispositions.
  • Ability to filter disclosures based on disposition in the admin list view.
  • Ability to create and display rich text instructions.
  • Ability to automatically assign additional reviewers based on the reporter's primary department.
  • Ability to configure and send the email notifications to COI Admin when reporter a new disclosure is submitted by a reporter
  • Ability to configure and send the email notifications to a reporter when a new project’s creation requires an annual disclosure update.
  • Ability to configure and send the email notifications to reporter when their disclosure is sent back, approved, expired or about to expire.
  • Ability to configure and send the email notifications related to additional review.

Features behind a Feature Flag

  • Added ability to filter admin list view by assigned additional reviewers
  • Added logging for upcoming core impersonation feature.


29 Apr 19:36
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  • Increased project title column to accommodate titles up to 2000 characters.
  • Fixed issue where screen became unresponsive upon selecting a travel relationship when adding a financial entity.
  • Fixed issue where new disclosures were not picking up the latest configuration.
  • Fixed issue with navigating the screening questionnaire when a question had child questions for both yes and no answers.
  • Fixed issue where warning for not having a financial entity displayed when there was an incomplete entity even if there was a complete entity already.
  • Fixed issue where users were not allowed to move forward if there was an incomplete relationship on a financial entity, by allowing the user to either remove the in progress relationship, or clicking the undo button when editing a financial entity.
  • Fixed issue where UI was not displaying the configured disclosure types in all place in the reporter view.
  • Made the 'I have no entities to disclose' button larger.

Features in Production

  • Ability to order declaration types set by the reporter in the configuration view.

Features behind a Feature Flag

  • Ability to reassign additional reviewers.
  • Ability to configure and assign project level dispositions to submitted disclosures.
  • System will set disclosure level disposition that is the highest risk disposition type of all the project dispositions.
  • Ability to filter disclosures based on disposition in the admin list view.
  • Ability to create and display rich text instructions.
  • Ability to automatically assign additional reviewers based on the reporter's primary department.
  • Ability to configure and send the email notifications to COI Admin when reporter a new disclosure is submitted by a reporter
  • Ability to configure and send the email notifications to a reporter when a new project’s creation requires an annual disclosure update.
  • Ability to configure and send the email notifications to reporter when their disclosure is sent back, approved, expired or about to expire.
  • Ability to configure and send the email notifications related to additional review.


25 Mar 17:01
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  • Renamed migration files to facilitate migrations being ran in alphabetic order. New migration files will follow the YYYYMM_xxx.js naming convention. The following sql script will fix your existing knex_migrations table if needed.

    update knex_migrations set name = '000000_001.js' where name = '1.js';

    update knex_migrations set name = '000000_002.js' where name = '2.js';

    update knex_migrations set name = '000000_003.js' where name = '3.js';

    update knex_migrations set name = '000000_004.js' where name = '4.js';

    update knex_migrations set name = '000000_005.js' where name = '5.js';

    update knex_migrations set name = '000000_006.js' where name = '6.js';

    update knex_migrations set name = '000000_007.js' where name = '7.js';

    update knex_migrations set name = '000000_008.js' where name = '8.js';

    update knex_migrations set name = '000000_009.js' where name = '9.js';

  • Moved bootstrap data needed for the application to run from the seed file into the migrations. This will make it easier to keep this data up-to-date.

  • Fixed bug where general attachments were not displaying on the admin view.

  • Fixed bug where occasionally questions were not being displayed on the admin detail view.

  • Fixed bug where revise/response screen would work for admins when they had commented on their own disclosure.

  • Added ability to display a warning message if a user answers no to all 'Yes/No' type parent screening questions and an active entity exists.

  • Added ability to display a message and block progress if a user answers yes to one or more 'Yes/No' type parent screening questions and no active entity exists

  • Added functionality to update a users disclosure's status from 'Up to Date' to 'Update Needed' if a new project is added for that user, or update a user's disclosure from 'Update Needed' to 'Up to Date' if a user is removed from a project.

  • Added ability for COI Admin to view Additional reviewers who have completed their reviews and the date their review was assigned.

  • Fixed bug where submitted disclosure was editable if user types in URL.

  • Added ability in Review Comments Aggregate view for reviewer and COI admin to see to whom a comments are visible.

  • Fixed issue where the reporter could see the name of COI Admin who made review comment.

  • Made some minor UI adjustments.

  • Began work on notifications, documentation will be provided upon completion.