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212 lines (146 loc) · 4.97 KB

File metadata and controls

212 lines (146 loc) · 4.97 KB

PiB outer-loop to AKS on Azure

Validate cluster identifier and working branch

# by default, MY_BRANCH is set to your lower case GitHub User Name
# the variable is used to uniquely name your clusters
# the value can be overwritten if needed

# make sure your branch is set and pushed remotely
# commands will fail if you are in main branch
git branch --show-current

Login to Azure

  • Login to Azure using az login --use-device-code

    Use az login --use-device-code --tenant <tenant> to specify a different tenant

    • If you have more than one Azure subscription, select the correct subscription

      # verify your account
      az account show
      # list your Azure accounts
      az account list -o table
      # set your Azure subscription
      az account set -s mySubNameOrId
      # verify your account
      az account show
  • Validate user role on subscription

    Make sure your RoleDefinitionName is Contributor or Owner to create resources in this lab succssfully

    # get az user name and validate your role assignment
    principal_name=$(az account show --query "" --output tsv | sed -r 's/@.*//')
    az role assignment list --query "[].{principalName:principalName, roleDefinitionName:roleDefinitionName, scope:scope} | [? contains(principalName,'$principal_name')]" -o table

Create Arc enabled AKS Cluster

Create AKS Cluster

This AKS setup is insecure and intended for learning, dev and test only. For secure or production clusters, please refer AKS Secure Baseline

export MY_AKS_CLUSTER=central-tx-atx-$MY_BRANCH-aks

# set MY_RG
export MY_RG=$MY_BRANCH-rg
# create resource group
az group create --name $MY_RG --location eastus

# create AKS cluster
# this may take 3-5 mins
az aks create -g $MY_RG -n $MY_AKS_CLUSTER --enable-managed-identity --node-count 1 --generate-ssh-keys

Arc enable the AKS Cluster

# install the connectedk8s Azure CLI extension
az extension add --name connectedk8s

# get aks creds
az aks get-credentials --resource-group $MY_RG --name $MY_AKS_CLUSTER

# arc enable
# this may take 2-3 mins
az connectedk8s connect --name $MY_AKS_CLUSTER --resource-group $MY_RG --location eastus

Set up for GitOps

Flt setup

# create the cluster metadata
flt create --gitops-only -c $MY_AKS_CLUSTER
  • This will create the cluster metadata for GitOps
  • Wait for ci-cd to complete
  • run git pull
    • You should see the yaml files created in the clusters directory

Create flux secret

# create secret for GitOps
kubectl apply -f "clusters/$MY_AKS_CLUSTER/flux-system/namespace.yaml"
flux create secret git flux-system -n flux-system --url "$PIB_FULL_REPO" -u gitops -p "$PIB_PAT"

Create GitOps configuration with Arc

  • All of the values you need for Arc setup are displayed via flt env and starts with PIB_*

  • From the Azure Arc Portal

    • Select Kubernetes Clusters in left nav
    • Select the cluster
    • Select GitOps in the left nav
    • Click Create
    • Basics:
      • Configuration Name: gitops
      • Namespace: flux-system
      • Scope: cluster
    • Source:
      • Source kind: Git Repository
      • Repository URL:
      • Reference type: Branch
      • Branch: value of MY_BRANCH
      • Repository Type:Private
      • Authentication source: Provide Authentication information here
      • HTTPS User: gitops
      • HTTPS Key: value of PIB_PAT from flt env
      • HTTPS CA Cert: leave blank
      • Sync interval: 1 minute
      • Sync timeout: 3 minutes
    • Kustomization
      • Instance name: flux-system
      • Path: ./clusters/{{cluster-name}}/flux-system
      • Sync interval: 1 minute
      • Sync timeout: 3 minutes
      • Retry interval: 1 minute
      • Prune: checked
      • Force: checked
      • Depends on: leave blank
    • Wait for gitops configuration to be created
    • Select Configuration objects from the left nav of GitOps config
    • Wait for gitops-flux-system to be created
      • Wait for it to be Compliant

Check in Arc Portal

  • Use the Arc Portal to check GitOps setup
    • Check cluster namespaces and workloads

Deploy sample app

# make sure you're in the apps/imdb directory
cd apps/imdb

# check deployment targets
# should be []
flt targets list

# deploy to all clusters
flt targets clear
flt targets add all
flt targets deploy

## wait for ci-cd to run
git pull

# check the clusters in Arc for the imdb workload


  • Once you're finished with the workshop and experimenting, delete your cluster and Azure resources
# delete rg and AKS cluster
az group delete -n $MY_RG

# start in the base of the repo
git pull

# clear cluster metadata
flt delete $MY_AKS_CLUSTER

# reset the targets
cd apps/imdb
flt targets clear
cd ../..

# update the repo
git commit -am "deleted fleet"
git push