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PiB Outer-Loop Multi-Cluster

Validate cluster identifier and working branch

# by default, MY_BRANCH is set to your lower case GitHub User Name
# the variable is used to uniquely name your clusters
# the value can be overwritten if needed

# make sure your branch is set and pushed remotely
# commands will fail if you are in main branch
git branch --show-current

Login to Azure

  • Login to Azure using az login --use-device-code

    Use az login --use-device-code --tenant <tenant> to specify a different tenant

    • If you have more than one Azure subscription, select the correct subscription

      # verify your account
      az account show
      # list your Azure accounts
      az account list -o table
      # set your Azure subscription
      az account set -s mySubNameOrId
      # verify your account
      az account show
  • Validate user role on subscription

    Make sure your RoleDefinitionName is Contributor or Owner to create resources in this lab succssfully

    # get az user name and validate your role assignment
    principal_name=$(az account show --query "" --output tsv | sed -r 's/@.*//')
    az role assignment list --query "[].{principalName:principalName, roleDefinitionName:roleDefinitionName, scope:scope} | [? contains(principalName,'$principal_name')]" -o table

Create 3 Clusters

  • Use one Azure Resource Group
  • Create a cluster in each region
    • You can use different names as long as they are unique

    • Standard Naming Format

      • region (central, east, west)
      • state
      • city
      • store_number
      # start in the base of the repo
      cd $PIB_BASE
      flt create \
          -g $MY_BRANCH-fleet \
          -c central-tx-$MY_BRANCH-1001 \
          -c east-ga-$MY_BRANCH-1001 \
          -c west-wa-$MY_BRANCH-1001

Verifying the Clusters

  • Update Git Repo after CI-CD is complete (usually about 30 seconds)

    # update the git repo after ci-cd completes
    git pull
    # add ips to repo
    git add ips
    git commit -am "added ips"
    git push
  • Verify clusters setup

    # check the setup for "complete"
    # rerun as necessary
    flt check setup
  • Check Heartbeat

    # check that heartbeat is running on your cluster
    flt check heartbeat
    # check heartbeat on clusters in specific region
    flt check heartbeat --filter central

IMDb Deployment

  • By default, the IMDb app is not deployed to any clusters

  • Experiment with different deployments

    # start in the apps/imdb directory
    cd $PIB_BASE/apps/imdb
    # deploy to central and west regions
    flt targets add region:central region:west
    flt targets deploy
    # wait for ci-cd to complete and update the cluster
    git pull
    flt sync
    # check the cluster for imdb
    flt check app imdb
    # deploy to just the east region
    flt targets clear
    flt targets add region:east
    flt targets deploy
    # wait for ci-cd to complete and update the repo
    git pull
    flt sync
    # check the cluster for imdb
    flt check app imdb
    # deploy to all clusters
    flt targets clear
    flt targets add all
    flt targets deploy
    # wait for ci-cd to complete and update the repo
    git pull
    flt sync
    # check the cluster for imdb
    flt check app imdb

Deploy Dogs-Cats App

  • Dogs and cats app is a simple "voting" app for demo purposes
    • Note that dogs-cats and IMDb cannot be deployed to the same cluster due to ingress conflicts
      • In a production environment, you would add ingress rules for host, url, or port based routing

Start in the apps/imdb directory

# start in the apps/imdb directory
cd $PIB_BASE/apps/imdb

# deploy IMDb to the central region
flt targets clear
flt targets add region:central

cd ../dogs-cats

# deploy dogs-cats to the west region
flt targets clear
flt targets add region:west
flt targets deploy

# wait for ci-cd to complete and update the repo
git pull
flt sync

# check apps on cluster
flt check app imdb
flt check app dogs
flt curl /version

Clean Up

  • Once you are finished with the workshop, you can delete your Azure resources
# start in the base of the repo
git pull

# delete the Azure resources
flt delete central-tx-$MY_BRANCH-1001
flt delete east-ga-$MY_BRANCH-1001
flt delete west-wa-$MY_BRANCH-1001
flt delete $MY_BRANCH-fleet

# remove ips file
rm -f ips

# reset the targets
cd apps/imdb
flt targets clear
cd ../dogs-cats
flt targets clear
cd ../..

# update the repo
git commit -am "deleted fleet"
git push