haproxy-cloudflare-jwt-validator - JSON Web Token validation for haproxy
This was tested & developed with HAProxy version 2.3 & Lua version 5.3. This library provides the ability to validate JWT headers sent by Cloudflare Access.
Based off of haproxytech/haproxy-lua-jwt
Install the following dependencies:
Extract base64.lua & jwtverify.lua to the same directory like so:
git clone git@github.com:kudelskisecurity/haproxy-cloudflare-jwt-validator.git
sudo cp haproxy-cloudflare-jwt-validator/src/* /usr/local/share/lua/5.3
JWT Issuer: https://test.cloudflareaccess.com
(replace with yours in the config below)
Add the following settings in your /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
Define a HAProxy backend, DNS Resolver, and ENV variables with the following names:
lua-load /usr/local/share/lua/5.3/jwtverify.lua
setenv OAUTH_HOST test.cloudflareaccess.com
setenv OAUTH_JWKS_URL https://|cloudflare_jwt|/cdn-cgi/access/certs
setenv OAUTH_ISSUER https://"${OAUTH_HOST}"
backend cloudflare_jwt
mode http
default-server inter 10s rise 2 fall 2
server "${OAUTH_HOST}" "${OAUTH_HOST}":443 check resolvers dnsresolver resolve-prefer ipv4
resolvers dnsresolver
nameserver dns1
nameserver dns2
resolve_retries 3
timeout retry 1s
hold nx 10s
hold valid 10s
Obtain your Application Audience (AUD) Tag from Cloudflare and define your backend with JWT validation:
backend my_jwt_validated_app
mode http
http-request deny unless { req.hdr(Cf-Access-Jwt-Assertion) -m found }
http-request set-var(txn.audience) str("1234567890abcde1234567890abcde1234567890abcde")
http-request lua.jwtverify
http-request deny unless { var(txn.authorized) -m bool }
server haproxy
docker run \
-v path_to/haproxy.cfg:/usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg \
This work has been publish in our Kudelskisecurity Research blog