diff --git a/header.php b/header.php
index 856d55e..67023ae 100644
--- a/header.php
+++ b/header.php
@@ -1,588 +1,593 @@
- 0) {
- $_SESSION['username'] = $USERNAME;
- $l_insert_to_log_user = "INSERT into `tbluserlog` (Username,LoginTime,Logout,Status) VALUES ('$USER','0',date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),'1')";
- $result_l_insert_to_log_user = mysqli_query($con, $l_insert_to_log_user);
- if (!isset($_SESSION['selectedproduct'])) {
- header('location: myprofile.php');
- } //!isset($_SESSION['selectedproduct'])
- else {
- $PRODUCT_ID = $_SESSION['selectedproduct'];
- $PRODUCT_QUANTITY = $_SESSION['selectedquantity'];
- $l_insert_to_cart = "INSERT into `tblcart` (ProductID,Username,Quantity) VALUES (" . $PRODUCT_ID . ",'$USER'," . $PRODUCT_QUANTITY . ")";
- $result_l_insert_to_cart = mysqli_query($con, $l_insert_to_cart);
- header('location: cart.php');
- }
- } //mysqli_num_rows($results_l_select_user) > 0
- else if (mysqli_num_rows($results_l_select_admin) > 0) {
- $_SESSION['username'] = $USERNAME;
- $l_insert_to_log_admin = "INSERT into `tbluserlog` (Username,LoginTime,Logout,Status) VALUES ('$USER','0',date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),'1')";
- $result_l_insert_to_log_admin = mysqli_query($con, $l_insert_to_log_admin);
- header('location: admin/manageorders.php');
- } //mysqli_num_rows($results_l_select_admin) > 0
- else {
- $MESSAGE_LOGIN = "Username or Password is Invalid";
- }
- }
-} //isset($_POST['login'])
-/////////////////////////////Continue as a guest/////////////////////////////
-if (isset($_POST['continueguest'])) {
- $PRODUCT_ID = $_SESSION['selectedproduct'];
- $PRODUCT_QUANTITY = $_SESSION['selectedquantity'];
- $_SESSION['totalproducts'] = $PRODUCT_QUANTITY;
- $generate_delivery_id_guest = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT delivery_id FROM (SELECT FLOOR(RAND() * 99999) AS delivery_id UNION SELECT FLOOR(RAND() * 99999) AS random_num) AS numbers_mst_plus_1 WHERE `delivery_id` NOT IN (SELECT DeliveryID FROM tblorder) LIMIT 1");
- $result_generate_delivery_id_guest = mysqli_fetch_assoc($generate_delivery_id_guest);
- $DELIVERY_ID_GUEST = $result_generate_delivery_id_guest['delivery_id'];
- $_SESSION['deliveryid'] = $DELIVERY_ID_GUEST;
- $l_select_total_price = "SELECT ProductPrice FROM `tblproducts` WHERE ProductID='" . $PRODUCT_ID . "' ";
- $result_l_select_total_price = mysqli_query($con, $l_select_total_price);
- $total_price = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_l_select_total_price);
- $PRICE = $total_price['ProductPrice'];
- $_SESSION['totalprice'] = $TOTAL_PRICE;
- $l_insert_order = "INSERT into `tblorder` (ProductID,Quantity,Username,DeliveryID) VALUES (" . $PRODUCT_ID . "," . $PRODUCT_QUANTITY . ",'Guest'," . $DELIVERY_ID_GUEST . ")";
- $result_l_insert_ordert = mysqli_query($con, $l_insert_order);
- header("Location: checkout.php");
-} //isset($_POST['continueguest'])
- $selectionid) {
- $update_cart = "UPDATE tblcart SET Quantity='" . $_POST['quantity'][$idx] . "' WHERE SelectionID='" . $selectionid . "'";
- $result_update_cart = mysqli_query($con, $update_cart);
- } //$_POST['selectedvalues'] as $idx => $selectionid
- header("Location: cart.php");
-} //isset($_POST['updateitem'])
-/////////////////////////////checkout products from cart/////////////////////////////
-if (isset($_POST['checkout'])) {
- $generate_delivery_id = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT delivery_id FROM (SELECT FLOOR(RAND() * 99999) AS delivery_id UNION SELECT FLOOR(RAND() * 99999) AS random_num) AS numbers_mst_plus_1 WHERE `delivery_id` NOT IN (SELECT DeliveryID FROM tblorder) LIMIT 1");
- $result_generate_delivery_id = mysqli_fetch_assoc($generate_delivery_id);
- $DELIVERY_ID = $result_generate_delivery_id['delivery_id'];
- $USER = $_SESSION['username'];
- $insert_order = "INSERT INTO tblorder (`ProductID`, `Quantity`, `Username`, `DeliveryID`) SELECT `ProductID`, `Quantity`, `Username`, '" . $DELIVERY_ID . "' FROM tblcart WHERE `Username` = '" . $USER . "' ";
- $_SESSION['deliveryid'] = $DELIVERY_ID;
- $result_insert_order = mysqli_query($con, $insert_order);
- header("Location: checkout.php");
-} //isset($_POST['checkout'])
-/////////////////////////////Removal of products from cart/////////////////////////////
-if (isset($_POST["removeitem"])) {
- $IMPLODE_VALUES = $_POST['checkedvalues'];
- $remove_cart_items = "DELETE FROM `tblcart` WHERE SelectionID in ($CHECKED_VALUES_REMOVE)";
- $result_remove_cart_items = mysqli_query($con, $remove_cart_items);
- header("Location: cart.php");
-} //isset($_POST["removeitem"])
-if (isset($_POST["continueshopping"])) {
- header("Location: pnb.php");
-} //isset($_POST["continueshopping"])
+ 0) {
+ $_SESSION['username'] = $USERNAME;
+ $l_insert_to_log_user = "INSERT into `tbluserlog` (Username,LoginTime,Logout,Status) VALUES ('$USER','0',date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),'1')";
+ $result_l_insert_to_log_user = mysqli_query($con, $l_insert_to_log_user);
+ if (!isset($_SESSION['selectedproduct'])) {
+ header('location: myprofile.php');
+ } //!isset($_SESSION['selectedproduct'])
+ else {
+ $PRODUCT_ID = $_SESSION['selectedproduct'];
+ $PRODUCT_QUANTITY = $_SESSION['selectedquantity'];
+ $l_insert_to_cart = "INSERT into `tblcart` (ProductID,Username,Quantity) VALUES (" . $PRODUCT_ID . ",'$USER'," . $PRODUCT_QUANTITY . ")";
+ $result_l_insert_to_cart = mysqli_query($con, $l_insert_to_cart);
+ header('location: cart.php');
+ }
+ } //mysqli_num_rows($results_l_select_user) > 0
+ else if (mysqli_num_rows($results_l_select_admin) > 0) {
+ $_SESSION['username'] = $USERNAME;
+ $l_insert_to_log_admin = "INSERT into `tbluserlog` (Username,LoginTime,Logout,Status) VALUES ('$USER','0',date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),'1')";
+ $result_l_insert_to_log_admin = mysqli_query($con, $l_insert_to_log_admin);
+ header('location: admin/manageorders.php');
+ } //mysqli_num_rows($results_l_select_admin) > 0
+ else {
+ $MESSAGE_LOGIN = "Username or Password is Invalid";
+ }
+ }
+} //isset($_POST['login'])
+/////////////////////////////Continue as a guest/////////////////////////////
+if (isset($_POST['continueguest'])) {
+ $PRODUCT_ID = $_SESSION['selectedproduct'];
+ $PRODUCT_QUANTITY = $_SESSION['selectedquantity'];
+ $_SESSION['totalproducts'] = $PRODUCT_QUANTITY;
+ $generate_delivery_id_guest = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT delivery_id FROM (SELECT FLOOR(RAND() * 99999) AS delivery_id UNION SELECT FLOOR(RAND() * 99999) AS random_num) AS numbers_mst_plus_1 WHERE `delivery_id` NOT IN (SELECT DeliveryID FROM tblorder) LIMIT 1");
+ $result_generate_delivery_id_guest = mysqli_fetch_assoc($generate_delivery_id_guest);
+ $DELIVERY_ID_GUEST = $result_generate_delivery_id_guest['delivery_id'];
+ $_SESSION['deliveryid'] = $DELIVERY_ID_GUEST;
+ $l_select_total_price = "SELECT ProductPrice FROM `tblproducts` WHERE ProductID='" . $PRODUCT_ID . "' ";
+ $result_l_select_total_price = mysqli_query($con, $l_select_total_price);
+ $total_price = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_l_select_total_price);
+ $PRICE = $total_price['ProductPrice'];
+ $_SESSION['totalprice'] = $TOTAL_PRICE;
+ $l_insert_order = "INSERT into `tblorder` (ProductID,Quantity,Username,DeliveryID) VALUES (" . $PRODUCT_ID . "," . $PRODUCT_QUANTITY . ",'Guest'," . $DELIVERY_ID_GUEST . ")";
+ $result_l_insert_ordert = mysqli_query($con, $l_insert_order);
+ header("Location: checkout.php");
+} //isset($_POST['continueguest'])
+ 0) {
+ $MESSAGE = "We have found ('" . $ROWS . "') that matches:'" . $SEARCHED_VALUE . "' ";
+ } else {
+ $MESSAGE = "No matching products found.";
+ $CATEGORY_SELECTED = ''; // Reset the category selection if no results found
+ }
+ $selectionid) {
+ $update_cart = "UPDATE tblcart SET Quantity='" . $_POST['quantity'][$idx] . "' WHERE SelectionID='" . $selectionid . "'";
+ $result_update_cart = mysqli_query($con, $update_cart);
+ } //$_POST['selectedvalues'] as $idx => $selectionid
+ header("Location: cart.php");
+} //isset($_POST['updateitem'])
+/////////////////////////////checkout products from cart/////////////////////////////
+if (isset($_POST['checkout'])) {
+ $generate_delivery_id = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT delivery_id FROM (SELECT FLOOR(RAND() * 99999) AS delivery_id UNION SELECT FLOOR(RAND() * 99999) AS random_num) AS numbers_mst_plus_1 WHERE `delivery_id` NOT IN (SELECT DeliveryID FROM tblorder) LIMIT 1");
+ $result_generate_delivery_id = mysqli_fetch_assoc($generate_delivery_id);
+ $DELIVERY_ID = $result_generate_delivery_id['delivery_id'];
+ $USER = $_SESSION['username'];
+ $insert_order = "INSERT INTO tblorder (`ProductID`, `Quantity`, `Username`, `DeliveryID`) SELECT `ProductID`, `Quantity`, `Username`, '" . $DELIVERY_ID . "' FROM tblcart WHERE `Username` = '" . $USER . "' ";
+ $_SESSION['deliveryid'] = $DELIVERY_ID;
+ $result_insert_order = mysqli_query($con, $insert_order);
+ header("Location: checkout.php");
+} //isset($_POST['checkout'])
+/////////////////////////////Removal of products from cart/////////////////////////////
+if (isset($_POST["removeitem"])) {
+ $IMPLODE_VALUES = $_POST['checkedvalues'];
+ $remove_cart_items = "DELETE FROM `tblcart` WHERE SelectionID in ($CHECKED_VALUES_REMOVE)";
+ $result_remove_cart_items = mysqli_query($con, $remove_cart_items);
+ header("Location: cart.php");
+} //isset($_POST["removeitem"])
+if (isset($_POST["continueshopping"])) {
+ header("Location: pnb.php");
+} //isset($_POST["continueshopping"])