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SmartFix-Artifact (ESEC/FSE 2023)

SmartFix is a tool for automatically fixing vulnerable smart contracts written in Solidity. This repository contains the artifact for reproducing the main experimental results in our paper accepted to ESEC/FSE 2023:

SmartFix: Fixing Vulnerable Smart Contracts by Accelerating Generate-and-Verify Repair using Statistical Models

Specifically, we provide step-by-step instructions for reproducing Table 1, Table 2, and Figure 4 in the paper. This artifact is organized as follows.

  • SmartFix: the source code of SmartFix
  • benchmarks: the benchmarks used for the experiments
  • fix_experiment: the directory that contains scripts that will be executed within docker containers
  • fix_result: the directory that will store the outputs of each tool
  • index_sGuard: the modified file from the implementation of sGuard for enabling to specify Solidity compiler versions and the names of main contracts to be patched (see Section 5.1 in our paper)
  • wrapper: the directory that contains scripts that will be executed on your host machine




See; you can find a basic usage example of the artifact.

Table 1 (Section 5.2)

Step 1: Running SmartFix (Ours)

./wrapper/ 40
  • The above command invokes the tool using 40 cores at most (i.e., up to 40 contracts are fixed in parallel). You can replace the above argument 40 depending on your hardware specifications.
  • Expected runtime with 40 cores: 8 hours 30 minutes
  • The fixing results of SmartFix will be stored in the directory fix_result/smartfix_MMDD_hhmm of your host machine (MM: month, DD: day, hh: hour, mm: minute).

Step 2: Running sGuard (IEEE S&P'21)

./wrapper/ 40
  • The above command invokes the tool using 40 cores at most (i.e., up to 40 contracts are fixed in parallel). You can replace the above argument 40 depending on your hardware specifications.
  • Expected runtime with 40 cores: 1 hour 40 minutes
  • The fixing results of sGuard will be stored in the directory fix_result/sguard_MMDD_hhmm of your host machine (MM: month, DD: day, hh: hour, mm: minute).

Step 3: Checking the execution results

  • The summarized execution results of SmartFix can be found in fix_result/smartfix_MMDD_hhmm/all_stat.txt.
    • In that file, X_Lab (where X is one of IO, RE, TX, EL, SU, and ALL) indicates #B in Table 1 of the paper, X_Run indicates #B^R, and X_Gen indicates #G.
    • Regarding X_Cor (which corresponds to #C in Table 1 of the paper), please refer to Note2 in the below.
  • The summarized execution results of sGuard can be found in fix_result/sguard_MMDD_hhmm/io_stat.txt, fix_result/sguard_MMDD_hhmm/re_stat.txt, and fix_result/sguard_MMDD_hhmm/tx_stat.txt.
    • In each file, #Bug Run and #Bug Fix Gen indicate #B^R and #G in Table 1 of the paper, respectively.
    • Regarding #C in Table 1 of the paper, please refer to Note2 in the below.
  • Note1: The obtained numbers can be slightly different from the numbers in Table 1 of the paper (e.g., the randomness of Z3). Nevertheless, the overall tendency will be similar.
  • Note2: To obtain the numbers in the column #C (the number of correctly fixed bugs) of Table 1, you need to manually verify correctness of generated patches, by comparing an original contract (in benchmarks) and a corresponding patched contract.
    • Patches generated by SmartFix can be found by inspecting the last part of the repair log file for each benchmark contract.
      • For example, to validate the patch for the benchmark contract benchmarks/cve/2018-11411.sol, a corresponding repair log file can be found in fix_result/smartfix_MMDD_hhmm/io/2018-11411/2018-11411.txt.
      • If you open the log file, you can see a log similar to the below.
        ========== Patch info ==========
        - 1, Size: 4., Edit: 4, Iter: 23, Time: 4220.26358104, /home/opam/fix_result/0816_1325/io/2018-11411/candidates/cand_117/patch.sol
      • The above log states that the contract repaired by SmartFix is located at fix_result/smartfix_MMDD_hhmm/io/2018-11411/candidates/cand_117/patch.sol of your host machine. In that contract, the parts patched by SmartFix will have comments that start with <FIX>.
    • Patches generated by sGuard can be found in the following directories of your host machine: fix_result/sguard_MMDD_hhmm/io/fixed, fix_result/sguard_MMDD_hhmm/re/fixed, and fix_result/sguard_MMDD_hhmm/tx/fixed.

Table 2 (Section 5.2)

./wrapper/ fix_result/smartfix_MMDD_hhmm fix_result/sguard_MMDD_hhmm
  • In the above command, fix_result/smartfix_MMDD_hhmm and fix_result/sguard_MMDD_hhmm are the fixing results of SmartFix and sGuard (obtained through Step 1,2 for reproducing Table 1) respectively.
  • The results will be shown on your terminal screen and also will be stored in the directory fix_result/patch_simplicity.txt of your host machine.
  • Note: The obtained numbers can be slightly different from the numbers in Table 2 of the paper (e.g., the randomness of Z3). Nevertheless, the overall tendency will be similar.

Figure 4 (Section 5.3)

Step 1: Running the two variants (Basic, Online) of SmartFix

./wrapper/ 40
  • The above command invokes the tool using 40 cores at most (i.e., up to 40 contracts are fixed in parallel). You can replace the above argument 40 depending on your hardware specifications.
  • Expected runtime with 40 cores: 19 hours 40 minutes (11 hours for Basic + 8 hours 40 minutes for On)
  • The execution results will be stored in the following three directories of your host machine:
    • fix_result/basic_MMDD_hhmm (MM: month, DD: day, hh: hour, mm: minute)
    • fix_result/on_MMDD_hhmm (MM: month, DD: day, hh: hour, mm: minute)

Step 2: Drawing the plot

./wrapper/ fix_result/basic_MMDD_hhmm fix_result/on_MMDD_hhmm fix_result/smartfix_MMDD_hhmm
  • In the above command, fix_result/smartfix_MMDD_hhmm is the execution result of the final version of SmartFix (obtained through Step 1 for reproducing Table 1).
  • The cactus plot will be generated in the directory fix_result/variant_comparison/cactus.pdf of your host machine.
  • Note: The obtained figure can be slightly different from Figure 4 of the paper (e.g., the randomness of Z3). Nevertheless, the overall tendency will be similar.

Tool Maintenance

SmartFix will be maintained in a separate repository:
