Follow Standard Pimoroni Install instructions.
git clone
orgit clone
cd enviroplus-python
Note Libraries will be installed in the "pimoroni" virtual environment, you will need to activate it to run examples:
source ~/.virtualenvs/pimoroni/bin/activate
Note this will not perform any of the required configuration changes on your Pi, you may additionally need to:
* Enable i2c: `raspi-config nonint do_i2c 0`
* Enable SPI: `raspi-config nonint do_spi 0`
And if you're using a PMS5003 sensor you will need to:
- Enable serial:
raspi-config nonint do_serial_hw 0
- Disable serial terminal:
raspi-config nonint do_serial_cons 1
- Add
to your/boot/firmware/config.txt
Firstly create a new service.
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/<servicename>.service
This creates a service called whatever you wish to name the service to auto run your script. -
In this .service file you will need to add some details about the service. Below is a template, but you will need to change the directories etc as required.
Description=<Whatever you want to call the service eg enviroplus with virtual env>
ExecStart=/home/<username>/.virtualenvs/pimoroni/bin/python /home/<username>/enviroplus-python/examples/<scriptname>.py
- Once you've made the changes to username save the changes.
- Run the follow three commands
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable <your_service_name>.service
sudo systemctl start <your_service_name>.service
sudo systemctl status <your_service_name>.service
You should now be fully installed and after rebooting your script should automatically run.
I've included my personal script that I am running.
It runs everything including PMS5003, although it doesn't include noise. The main difference between my script is that it saves the readings to a memory buffer and only writes them to the SD card every 15 minutes. I've done this to avoid constantly writing data to the SD card for increased longevity.
The data is saved as a .csv file named 'sensor_data' with the following headings. timestamp in D-M-Y H:M:S format, temperature, humidity, pressure, light, oxidising, reducing, nh3, pm1, pm2_5, pm10.
It also includes temperature compensation as found in the standard Pimoroni Scripts.