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Goodmetrics: Kotlin

This is the way (to record metrics)


This is the Kotlin metrics client. It uses kotlinx coroutines to manage background network interactions; you'll need to at least attach it to a framework-provided dispatcher if you don't use coroutines already. If you do then you probably know where you want to put the long-lived background job that emits metrics for your app.

How to use

Run the goodmetrics server on localhost.

Add dependency

dependencies {

Write code

fun main() {
    val metricsBackgroundScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default)
    val (emitterJob, metricsFactory) = metricsBackgroundScope.normalConfig()

    for (i in 1..1000) {
        // I want to record information about each iteration of the loop so I'll record {} each iteration.
        metricsFactory.record("demo_app") { metrics ->
            metrics.measure("iteration", i)
            metrics.dimension("random_boolean", Random.nextBoolean())
            metrics.measure("random_float", Random.nextFloat())
            metrics.dimension("host", Inet4Address.getLocalHost().hostName)
            // for heatmaps and percentiles, record a distribution.
            // Note that metricsFactory.record {} automatically records a
            //  "totaltime" distribution by default.
            metrics.distribution("file_size", getSizeOfFile(i))