A Python library for audio data augmentation. Inspired by albumentations. Useful for machine learning.
pip install audiomentations
from audiomentations import Compose, AddGaussianNoise, TimeStretch, PitchShift, Shift
import numpy as np
augmenter = Compose([
AddGaussianNoise(min_amplitude=0.001, max_amplitude=0.015, p=0.5),
TimeStretch(min_rate=0.8, max_rate=1.25, p=0.5),
PitchShift(min_semitones=-4, max_semitones=4, p=0.5),
Shift(min_fraction=-0.5, max_fraction=0.5, p=0.5),
samples = np.zeros((20,), dtype=np.float32)
samples = augmenter(samples=samples, sample_rate=SAMPLE_RATE)
Go to audiomentations/augmentations/transforms.py to see which transforms you can apply.
Install the dependencies specified in requirements.txt
Format the code with black
python -m demo.demo