This project was developed by a diverse team of coders, ML enthusiasts, story-tellers and UI/UX developers as a part of submission for the NASA's SpaceApp Challenge 2020 Hackathon
Project L.L.O.C.U.S.T identifies and predicts the probability of locust invasion as well as forecast locust’s movements in vulnerable areas. Using a machine learning model trained on satellite data of wind, humidity, surface temperatures, and vegetation index, -- all of which are factors that promote locust population – we attune L.L.O.C.U.S.T. to create a heat map of areas that are most at risk of locust infestation. Through the use of an interactive, user-friendly website, farmers, city-officials, and businesses alike are able to view our models predictions in the form of an interactive map.
Locust logo (pentagon shape) is from Dan Vallentyne