Fork and git clone the project;
Create virtual environment:
make venv
Activate virtual environment:
source venv/bin/activate
Install project in development mode:
make develop
Create a new git branch about what the changes would be made:
git checkout --branch changelog-generation-bugfix
If you're fixing an issue, start the branch name with it number:
git checkout --branch 42-docs-typo
Write the code and tests and ensure that everything is alright:
make check
Generate changelog fragment:
make fragment name=42-typo type=doc
If there is no issue about what you're working on, set the name as short mnemonic name:
make fragment name=readme-typo type=doc
If your change is a single commit change, then use fragment-amend instead:
make fragment-amend name=readme-typo type=doc
This will squash changelog fragment with your last (and single one) commit.
Push the changes and create a new Pull Request.
PROFIT! And thank you!